browsing references to elements of Undeclared?

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browsing references to elements of Undeclared?

Craig Latta

Hi all--

     In various Smalltalks, I'm used to being able to open an inspector
on the Undeclared dictionary, then selecting an element and browsing
references to it. I don't seem to see that functionality in Pharo 8. Is
there an equivalent?


Craig Latta
Black Page Digital
Amsterdam :: San Francisco
[hidden email]
+31   6 2757 7177
+ 1 415  287 3547

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Re: browsing references to elements of Undeclared?

Marcus Denker-4

> On 27 May 2020, at 13:54, Craig Latta <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi all--
>     In various Smalltalks, I'm used to being able to open an inspector
> on the Undeclared dictionary, then selecting an element and browsing
> references to it. I don't seem to see that functionality in Pharo 8. Is
> there an equivalent?

There is

        SystemNavigation new browseUndeclaredReferences

But yes, adding an inspector pane on the Undeclared dict would be nice.
