For some time I've seen an intermittent problem in the rendering of the backcolor of StaticText. I just happened to run across a situation where it was repeatable enough to get to what appears to be the cause. I've supplied a hack that clears it up. I leave it to you to provide a more palatable solution. First, where it was showing up. Sometimes the background of a StaticText would be rendered gray instead of the given backcolor. Obviously, it only shows up on windows where the background is other than default. It wouldn't happen too often, but occasionally a single label on a window would be mis-rendered. After occluding part of it with another window, it would show the correct backcolor when uncovered. I also found that by waiving another window around over the colored window, that sometimes it would, with fair regularity, leave temporary little gray rectangles behind on the StaticText backgrounds. I happened to run into a window with data such that the pattern of button enables made the timing just right for the problem to show up consistently on one particular StaticText when making a specific selection in a list. The problem appears to be similar to that where a Bitmap could be finalized prematurely when used in a Brush passed to windows. You responded to that 30 September 2002 in BTW, there you mentioned it would be "an enhancement in the next release". Did that fall through cracks? Or did you mean 6.0 (rather than 5.1 or one of the patches)? Today's problem seems to be due to a Brush being GC'd and finalized before windows has a chance to use it. My hack was to put the brush into a global variable (which keeps getting reused). That keeps it around long enough to eliminate the rendering problem. regards, -Bill ------------------------------- !ControlView methodsFor! onColorRequired: aColorEvent "Colour event handler for aColorEvent. We set up the canvas provided by the event with the appropriate foreground and background colours for the receiver. Windows WM_CTLCOLORXXX messages require that we answer the background brush handle" | canvas | (self backcolor isNil and: [self forecolor isNil]) ifTrue: [^nil]. canvas := aColorEvent canvas. self forecolor notNil ifTrue: [canvas setTextColor: self forecolor]. self backcolor notNil ifTrue: [| bc | bc := self backcolor. canvas backcolor: bc. canvas brush: (HackToKeepControlViewBackcolorBrushFromBeingGCedBeforeItIsUsedByWindows := bc brush)]. ^canvas brush asParameter! ! !ControlView categoriesFor: #onColorRequired:!event handling!public! ! ------------------------------------------- Bill Dargel [hidden email] Shoshana Technologies 100 West Joy Road, Ann Arbor, MI 48105 USA |
"Bill Dargel" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:[hidden email]... > Blair, > > For some time I've seen an intermittent problem in the rendering of the > backcolor of StaticText. I just happened to run across a situation where > it was repeatable enough to get to what appears to be the cause. I've > supplied a hack that clears it up. I leave it to you to provide a more > palatable solution. > > First, where it was showing up. Sometimes the background of a StaticText > would be rendered gray instead of the given backcolor. ... snip... > The problem appears to be similar to that where a Bitmap could be > finalized prematurely when used in a Brush passed to windows. You > responded to that 30 September 2002 in > > BTW, there you mentioned it would be "an enhancement in the next > release". Did that fall through cracks? Or did you mean 6.0 (rather than > 5.1 or one of the patches)? It was recorded as defect #1052, and my triage comment indicates that I concluded it should be deferred until the next major release (i.e. 6.0). However more recently I looked at it again and found a simpler solution to the problem for inclusion in 5.1.5. I've attached the patch below. > > Today's problem seems to be due to a Brush being GC'd and finalized > before windows has a chance to use it. My hack was to put the brush into > a global variable (which keeps getting reused). That keeps it around > long enough to eliminate the rendering problem. Yes, I would agree with your analysis. The only "proper" solution I can think of right now is to add an instance variable to ControlView to hold the background brush, if any. I would hope this can be sorted out for 5.1.5. Thanks for the report, Blair ------------------------ !LOGBRUSH class methodsFor! defineFields "Define the fields of the LOGBRUSH structure. LOGBRUSH compileDefinition typedef struct tagLOGBRUSH { int lbStyle; long lbColor; long lbHatch; } LOGBRUSH; " self defineField: #lbStyle type: SDWORDField new offset: 0; defineField: #lbColor type: SDWORDField new offset: 4; defineField: #lbHatch type: SDWORDField new offset: 8. self byteSize: 12! stbConvertFrom: anSTBClassFormat "Version 1 adds hatch instance variables to hold Bitmap preventing it being GC'd (#1052)." ^ [:data | | newInstance | newInstance := self basicNew. 1 to: data size do: [:i | newInstance instVarAt: i put: (data at: i)]. newInstance]! stbVersion ^1! ! !LOGBRUSH class categoriesFor: #defineFields!**auto generated**!initializing!public! ! !LOGBRUSH class categoriesFor: #stbConvertFrom:!binary filing!public! ! !LOGBRUSH class categoriesFor: #stbVersion!binary filing!public! ! !LOGBRUSH methodsFor! hatch "Answer the hatch object. This is either a bitmap, or one of a set of standard integer constants." ^hatch ifNil: [self lbStyle = BS_PATTERN ifTrue: [hatch := Bitmap fromHandle: self lbHatch] ifFalse: [self lbHatch]]! hatch: aBitmapOrInteger hatch := aBitmapOrInteger. self lbHatch: aBitmapOrInteger asParameter! lbColor "Answer the receiver's lbColor field as a Smalltalk object." ^(bytes sdwordAtOffset: 4)! lbColor: anObject "Set the receiver's lbColor field to the value of anObject." bytes sdwordAtOffset: 4 put: anObject! lbHatch "Answer the receiver's lbHatch field as a Smalltalk object." ^(bytes sdwordAtOffset: 8)! lbHatch: anObject "Set the receiver's lbHatch field to the value of anObject." bytes sdwordAtOffset: 8 put: anObject! lbStyle "Answer the receiver's lbStyle field as a Smalltalk object." ^(bytes sdwordAtOffset: 0)! lbStyle: anObject "Set the receiver's lbStyle field to the value of anObject." bytes sdwordAtOffset: 0 put: anObject! style ^self lbStyle! style: anObject self lbStyle: anObject! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #hatch!accessing!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #hatch:!accessing!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #lbColor!**compiled accessors**!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #lbColor:!**compiled accessors**!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #lbHatch!**compiled accessors**!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #lbHatch:!**compiled accessors**!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #lbStyle!**compiled accessors**!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #lbStyle:!**compiled accessors**!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #style!accessing!public! ! !LOGBRUSH categoriesFor: #style:!accessing!public! ! !Brush class methodsFor! bitmap: aBitmap "Answer a new instance of the receiver for paiting the specified <Bitmap> pattern." ^self withStyle: BS_PATTERN color: 0 hatch: aBitmap! color: aColour "Answer a new instance of the receiver for painting in the specified solid colour." ^self withStyle: BS_SOLID color: aColour hatch: 0! hatchedDiagonal "Answer a new instance of the receiver for painting diagonal hatching." ^self withStyle: BS_HATCHED color: 0 hatch: HS_BDIAGONAL! withStyle: styleFlags color: aColour hatch: hatchObject "Answer a new instance of the receiver with the specified style, colour and hatching attributes." ^self fromLogBrush: ((LOGBRUSH new) style: styleFlags; color: aColour; hatch: hatchObject; yourself)! ! !Brush class categoriesFor: #bitmap:!instance creation!public! ! !Brush class categoriesFor: #color:!instance creation!public! ! !Brush class categoriesFor: #hatchedDiagonal!instance creation!public! ! !Brush class categoriesFor: #withStyle:color:hatch:!instance creation!public! ! |
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