cant remove accept: method

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cant remove accept: method

Pharo 1.0

I have a class that has a method accept: that is no longer used.

When I go to remove it, I get the message:

Possible call to accept: in XXXX Browse?

If you do no, it doesn't remove the method.
If you do yes, you can only browse, not remove.

How can I remove the method short of filing out the class, removing the method
and filing the class back in?

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Re: cant remove accept: method


I see that just plain old 'remove method' works, just not from refactoring menu.

On Mon, May 24, 2010 at 3:27 PM, Sean Allen <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Pharo 1.0
> I have a class that has a method accept: that is no longer used.
> When I go to remove it, I get the message:
> Possible call to accept: in XXXX Browse?
> If you do no, it doesn't remove the method.
> If you do yes, you can only browse, not remove.
> How can I remove the method short of filing out the class, removing the method
> and filing the class back in?

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