changes and sources file availability

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changes and sources file availability

Usman Bhatti

In Pharo 2.0, we could enforce the image not to look for sources and changes file at the startup with:

       checkChangesFileAvailability: false;
       checkSourcesFileAvailability: false.

I could not found these selectors anymore in my Pharo 3.0 image.

Clement mentioned to me a while ago that it was due to the change of compiler (Opal) and it might not be safe to remove these files (if I remember correctly). So, my question:

1/ Can I remove these two files safely from my production image?
2/ If the answer to 1/ is yes, how can I tell my image not to look for these files at image startup?

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Re: changes and sources file availability

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Re: changes and sources file availability

Marcus Denker-4

On 03 Apr 2014, at 19:05, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> It is gone. And for me it is a very annoying.
> Now if you want the system to prevent looking I am afraid you have to
> modify some system class method as there is no more hook to do it
> properly (see the mailing list archive for discussion about that a few
> weeks ago). Then I don't know the consequence of Pharo3 running without
> the source files. Some feedback will be nice on that specific point.

So… yes, right now there are no Preferences. But we can add them back.
(I can do that).

The only thin that will (right now) not work is decompiling, but just running
a program is fine. If you want to debug you need sources+changes.

This is not nice and we will fix that with Pharo4.

> I guess this situation can evolve in future.

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Re: changes and sources file availability

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Re: changes and sources file availability

Usman Bhatti
In reply to this post by Marcus Denker-4

Tx for your replies.

On Fri, Apr 4, 2014 at 10:09 AM, Marcus Denker <[hidden email]> wrote:

On 03 Apr 2014, at 19:05, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi,
> It is gone. And for me it is a very annoying.
> Now if you want the system to prevent looking I am afraid you have to
> modify some system class method as there is no more hook to do it
> properly (see the mailing list archive for discussion about that a few
> weeks ago). Then I don't know the consequence of Pharo3 running without
> the source files. Some feedback will be nice on that specific point.

So… yes, right now there are no Preferences. But we can add them back.
(I can do that). 

The only thin that will (right now) not work is decompiling, but just running
a program is fine. If you want to debug you need sources+changes.

My use case is to prevent access to the source code in the image as much as possible. 

For changes file, I found this:
PharoFilesOpener >>shouldInformAboutReadOnlyChanges.

For sources, no idea. But it would be good to remove the Pharo sources as well because that's not really needed.



This is not nice and we will fix that with Pharo4.

> I guess this situation can evolve in future.


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Re: changes and sources file availability

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Re: changes and sources file availability
You should send a fix so that we can control the message to show up or not.
Damien did a lot of clean to make sure that we can run Pharo in a readyonly folder but there are more cases probably to handle.


On 06 Apr 2014, at 14:16, Hilaire Fernandes <[hidden email]> wrote:

> You can remove the .source file as well, but you will have a warning
> message as in this screenshot. It is pretty easy to hack the system to
> prevent it however.
> Hilaire
> Le 06/04/2014 12:34, Usman Bhatti a écrit :
>> My use case is to prevent access to the source code in the image as much
>> as possible.
>> For changes file, I found this:
>> PharoFilesOpener >>shouldInformAboutReadOnlyChanges.
>> For sources, no idea. But it would be good to remove the Pharo sources
>> as well because that's not really needed.
> --
> Dr. Geo
> <WarningNoSource.jpg>