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Bill Schwab-2

I _finally_ (my fault, not yours) got 5.1 in the field today.   The most
notable surprise was that the first app that I typically install and test
failed to updated its user interface as expected, at least not fully.  It
hit an error in startup; putting the DolphinSure library on the machine
allowed it to run.

Is that something that should be required, or do I have some more debugging
to do?  If the latter, any suggestions?

Have a good one,


Wilhelm K. Schwab, Ph.D.
[hidden email]

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Re: #churnRandPool

Chris Uppal-3
Bill Schwab wrote:

>[...]  It hit an error in startup; putting the DolphinSure
> library on the machine allowed it to run.
> Is that something that should be required, or do I have some more
> debugging to do?

I'd guess that PC1Cipher isn't getting stripped out of your image when,
presumably, you'd expect that it should be.

The only direct refs to that class are in the 'Product Protection' package are
you (accidentally?) including a dependency on that package ?

    -- chris