Hello...this might be a support question, but thought I would pose it hear first.
-- The situation I am about to describe occurs in 2 separate places, but they both have a common theme. On some of my screens, I setup a callback on an event. For example, for one text field, I use... aPart widget addEventHandler: ButtonReleaseMask receiver: self selector: #doSomethingInteresting:clientData:eventData: clientData: nil. in the specified selctor, I test for Button3, and if true, I do something. This allows me to right-click in a text field to cause something to happen. Now...this field can also be typed in....and if the user types something invalid, I change the colour to yellow, to indicate that (using the #changed event). Here is where the problem occurs......if the user corrects their mistake, I then set the colour back to default by sending backgroundColor: nil. But once I do that,my event never fires again. If I inspect the part's widget, and look in cwHandlers. My event handler is no longer there. Changing the colour back does not help...I can only close and open the window. Some variations: If I set the background colour to a different colour, instead of nil, there is no problem. Only setting it to nil cause the issue. When I set the colour to nil, if I set the event handler again (which is what I am currently doing), then everything works again. Even though my right-click event never triggers again.....my changed event DOES...so the colour will still change to yellow, and back, with user input. And the other situation I mentioned earlier, is that I have a similar thing happen on another window, in which I have set up a text field as a Drop target (for drag/drop)...which stops working when I set the backgound colour to nil. Ok....perhaps I gone on too much...but wanted to provide lots of detail. Any thoughts? Instantiations guys.....is this a bug? Or am I missing something obvious? Thanks in advance for any help.... Julian You received this message because you are subscribed to the Google Groups "VA Smalltalk" group. To unsubscribe from this group and stop receiving emails from it, send an email to [hidden email]. To post to this group, send email to [hidden email]. Visit this group at https://groups.google.com/group/va-smalltalk. For more options, visit https://groups.google.com/d/optout. |
Hi Julian,
-- This could be a bug, so I will open a support case and look into this issue for you. Thanks, Bob On Wednesday, February 20, 2019 at 10:37:21 PM UTC-5, [hidden email] wrote:
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Hi, Bob!!! Looking forward to seeing you in March!!
-- And thank you for looking into this. I got your EMail with the case number. I will get you a simple test application tomorrow or Friday. Priority is not high on this....but it would be nice to know why this happens, and to have a reliable solution. THANKS! Julian On Wednesday, February 27, 2019 at 12:34:33 PM UTC-5, Bob Brodd wrote:
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