closeable tabs

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closeable tabs

Tudor Girba

I worked a bit on adding the possibility of closing tabs from a tab group. This is available for the moment in the I refactored the LazyTabGroupMorph from the Glamour repository.

It would still be good to delegate a couple of things to the Theme, but other than that I think we could replace the logic from TabGroupMorph. What I did was to introduce a LazyTabPage that can lazily draw the page morph.

If you (Alain, Gary?) have time, I could use a code review :).

Gofer new
  squeaksource: 'Glamour';
        package: 'ConfigurationOfGlamour';
 (Smalltalk at: #ConfigurationOfGlamour)
      perform: #loadDefault



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one might have better chances to win by moving slower."