maybe someone (Göran?) would like to look at it/ comment. Some things need to be done and some code needs to get cleaned up.
Here's an UnOrderdCollection of things that already work/ and what was done:
- it's based on the FileServer, which was moved from "server" to the "normal" folders
- the server cloudserver.js loads/ compiles the FileServer, so changes can be made at runtime
- IDE/ Browser has a new Button ("Server"). This button appears only when running on node. By pressing the button the current selected packge is (re-)loaded on the server. Changing the server at runtime needs always two steps: 1. commit 2. reload by pressing the button
- the account-creation/ package-browsing is at http://localhost:4000/new.html . there is also a login-dialog which is only for testing purposes (you can check if your username/ password combination is ok)
- Package browsing gives a list of Packages with version numbers. you can only commit a package if you are the owner (-> if you were the first one who commited a Package by this name)
- currently only the .st-Files are save - i had some problems persisting the .js files
- persistence is made with mongodb and a minimalistic mongo-binding for amber (someday i'll do a real binding)
- to commit a package you'll need to do: PackageHandler new commit: 'CloudNodeClient' user: 'stefan' password: 'xyz'
- packages should have a "version" property (in the package properties)
- the cloudserver.js acts still as FileServer that can handle PUT requests to commit packages to the filesystem. Commiting packages to db is handled via GET/POST requests
Things that needs to be done:
- new.html is ugly
- privat packages are not implemented yet
- js-Files should get persisted too
- more administrative stuff (regarding account settings and package-handling)
- IDE integration for browsing and importing packages
I hope everything is in place at my github account (i'm still new to git/github).
My local git repo is in my DropBox, so if someone has a DropBox-account, i could share my git-folder - this could speed things up ...