code completion - order classes suggested by match then package reference count?

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code completion - order classes suggested by match then package reference count?

Paul DeBruicker
Hi -

When I want to use an OrderedCollection in Pharo 6.1 the code completion has me write "Ordere" before it is the one selected.  If I have ever used an OrderPreservingDictionary (which comes up first) I've forgotten, but daily use OrderedCollections.  

Is there a way now to change the sort order of classes so that they sort by # of uses/references in the image or package I'm developing in?

I'm using the default E completion if it matters.  


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Re: code completion - order classes suggested by match then package reference count?

Sean P. DeNigris
Paul DeBruicker wrote
> I'm using the default E completion if it matters.  

I thought this was the very issue o-completion solves

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