command line access to MetaRepoForPharo30

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command line access to MetaRepoForPharo30

Torsten Bergmann
If I remember correctly "config" looks up the config within a project repo.
Thats why it should work with all repos that contain a SINGLE ConfigurationOfXXX
package (or with repos where the name is matching) - like Fuel => ConfigurationOfFuel or others.
Just dig into the code.

The "MetaRepoForPharo30" is a repository with MANY configurations as this repo
is not a project repo. MetaRepoForPharo30 is an assembling repo to drive the configuration browser
in Pharo 3.0. There is also a MetaRepoForPharo40 for the config browser in Pharo 4.0

So basically in your example Pharo looks for "ConfigurationOfMetaRepoForPharo30" which it will
not find as there is no Pharo project "MetaRepoForPharo30".

So "config" option is intended to be used for project repos to easily access the config
in them - you should not use it with one of the meta repos (MetaRepoForPharo30, MetaRepoForPharo40).
