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Anyone familiar with subclassing the compiler to track changes to objects
under Dolphin?


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Re: compiler

Ian Bartholomew-17

> Anyone familiar with subclassing the compiler to track changes to objects
> under Dolphin?

You will have to be a bit more specific in what you are trying to achieve
but a few comments...

Dolphin implements it's compiler in a dll so although you could subclass the
Compiler class it wouldn't do much good as you would then have to provide a
full compiler yourself.

It is possible to get the compiler to generate a modified set of byte codes
that facilitate debugging and it _might_ be possible to hook onto something
there but (a) it's not easy and (b) probably not what you want anyway.

The easiest way to track when a composite object has changed is to trigger
events. This normally involves setter methods that trigger a #changed event
when called but can be done in other places as needed.  Dolphin also
provides classes (ValueModel etc) that will automatically trigger events
when changed.

The only difficulty you might have with triggers is if you have used direct
accessing of instVars within a class (a debate that we won't start up again
please :-)). In this case the RB incorporated into Dolphin XP should make
reverting to accessor methods a lot less painful.


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Re: compiler


I am indeed thinking of modifying byte codes for local assignment to invoke
a change tracker.  A common strategy that is straightforward in VW & VAST.

A more effective solution than adding the code to setters as you might miss
one, use assignment, ...  or perhaps a code maintainer which would find
methods which contain local assignment and ensure change trigger.


"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> Brian,
> > Anyone familiar with subclassing the compiler to track changes to
> > under Dolphin?
> You will have to be a bit more specific in what you are trying to achieve
> but a few comments...
> Dolphin implements it's compiler in a dll so although you could subclass
> Compiler class it wouldn't do much good as you would then have to provide
> full compiler yourself.
> It is possible to get the compiler to generate a modified set of byte
> that facilitate debugging and it _might_ be possible to hook onto
> there but (a) it's not easy and (b) probably not what you want anyway.
> The easiest way to track when a composite object has changed is to trigger
> events. This normally involves setter methods that trigger a #changed
> when called but can be done in other places as needed.  Dolphin also
> provides classes (ValueModel etc) that will automatically trigger events
> when changed.
> The only difficulty you might have with triggers is if you have used
> accessing of instVars within a class (a debate that we won't start up

> please :-)). In this case the RB incorporated into Dolphin XP should make
> reverting to accessor methods a lot less painful.
> Regards
>     Ian