From: Andreas Raab <andreas.raab <at>>
Subject: MCM update script
Newsgroups: gmane.comp.lang.smalltalk.squeak.general
Date: 2009-07-01 07:10:22 GMT (15 hours and 14 minutes ago)
Folks - I've set up a little test for the suggested MCM update script
via Monticello. In order to try it out, do the following:
* Get a copy of* Fire up Monticello and point it at* Load the latest MonticelloConfigurations package from there and ONLY
that package (the fixes included are a strict prerequisite for this to
Now run the following code:
MCMcmUpdater updateFromRepositories: #( ''
This will go to the repository and discover that there is update-ar.
1.mcm and update-ar.2.mcm. It will load the first, find that there is
nothing to do, move on to the second. The second has actually re-
ordered the Exceptions and the Morphic package to allow for loading of
a modification enabling SystemProgressMorph to change its label. It
then uses the configuration to update all the remaining listed
packages (and you can see the effect of the updated label right away).
If we'd find that at some point the order needs to be changed to be
able to load a particular modification, we would just issue an
update.mcm with the new order. Hope this illustrates what I am
imagining for an update mechanism using Monticello.
Cheers, - Andreas
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