Well - I found the answer myself. It is not even that difficult, if
you read the manuals....
The steps to create the certification files are
1. Download openssl for Windows and install it
2. perform the following command from the commandline
openssl req -x509 -nodes -days 3650 -newkey rsa:1024 -keyout
my_key.pem -out my_cert.pem
3. Answer a bunch of questions about location and your company
4. copy the my_key.pem and my_cert.pem files to the image directory
5. Perform the following command in Smalltalk
(SstTransport configurationForIdentifier: 'https')
certificateFilename: 'my_cert.pem';
privateKeyFilename: 'my_key.pem';
And voilá, the next time you create a https server socket, the self-
signed certificate will be used (you'll get a bunch of warnings in the
browser that the certificate is not safe, etc.)
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