Bart Gauquie wrote:
> Dear list,
> I was using AXAnnouncements package in Gemstone. It does not work since
> on BlockClosure, cull:cull: protocol is used.
> This protocol is in Pharo (and other smalltalks):
> Are there plans to port this cull: protocol to Gemstone also?
Plans yes, timeline no. I have a bunch of stuff on my plate right now so
I can't forecast when I'll be releasing the next version of GLASS, but
an Issue Report on glassdb, would go a long way towards getting cull
included in the next release:)
I would also be open to having you or someone else publish a new version
of the glass package, say 1.0-beta8.4.1 so that you don't have to wait
for me:)
I can provide details if there's interest in doing that...