Add a method loose below. It won't be harmful to your image just by add it, unless you invoke it with unproper parameter. SequenceableCollection>>codeBookOf: anInteger anInteger <= 0 ifTrue: [^self class new]. ^anInteger = 1 ifTrue: [self collect: [:obj| self class with: obj ]] ifFalse: [|newAnswerStream| newAnswerStream := WriteStream on: (self class new: (self size raisedTo: anInteger)). (self codeBookOf: anInteger-1) do: [:oneSubAnswer| self do: [:oneObjectToAdd| newAnswerStream nextPut: oneSubAnswer, (self class with: oneObjectToAdd)]]. newAnswerStream contents] This method is not a problem when anInteger is small. Try, #(true false) codeBookOf: 3 It is a problem when anInteger is big. Try below after a good backup of your image. #(nil 0) codeBookOf: 25 "Number 25 maybe not be big enough for your PC." makes my PC(P-4 2.4GHz 512MB DDR ram) nearly stop! Memory paging goes up to 1.2GB, and Dolphin.exe eats up to 380MB. CPU usage goes up to 50% but soon or later it drops down to 2%. That seems to me like the #codeBookOf: has been answered, and workspace is idle. But workspace is still hanging and memory allocation is still 1.2GB. The answered object(Array) is not kept in a workspace variable so it must have gone garbage collected right away(or 10 sec later). But still 1.2GB, hard disk is turning like as if it's going to blow. As soon as I kill Dolphin.exe from process list, memory allocation drops down to 550MB and disk rests in peace. Can anyone explain this phenomenon? |
Howard Oh wrote:
> SequenceableCollection>>codeBookOf: anInteger > > anInteger <= 0 ifTrue: [^self class new]. > ^anInteger = 1 > ifTrue: > [self collect: [:obj| self class with: obj ]] > ifFalse: > [|newAnswerStream| > newAnswerStream := WriteStream on: (self class new: (self size > raisedTo: anInteger)). > (self codeBookOf: anInteger-1) do: [:oneSubAnswer| > self do: [:oneObjectToAdd| > newAnswerStream nextPut: oneSubAnswer, (self class with: > oneObjectToAdd)]]. > newAnswerStream contents] > ... > #(nil 0) codeBookOf: 25 "Number 25 maybe not be big enough for your > PC." > ... > Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Of course, this will be slow. If this worked, you would have created a collection of size 33,554,432 (2 raisedTo: 25). Each element in that collection would have contained a 25 element collection. The amount of space just for the pointers would be (33554432*4) + (33554432*25*4) = 3,489,660,928 bytes (plus a few more bytes for object headers, etc.). Furthermore, since the algorithm isn't too efficient on how it computes the arrays, you would have needed enough space to hold the #codeBookOf: 24. You should think about the problem differently. The i'th item in the collection is just the result "printing" i to base "self size" using the items in the collection as your characters. For example, you could use something like: codeBookOf: anInteger at: anIndex | index current | index := anIndex - 1. current := OrderedCollection new: anInteger. anInteger timesRepeat: [current addFirst: (self at: index \\ self size + 1). index := index // self size]. ^current Then you can evaluate: Number fromString: '2r', (String withAll: ('01' codeBookOfSize: 32 at: 1234567)) This returns 1234566 since we are converting from Smalltalk's 1 based indexing to a zero based scheme. John Brant |
Your #codeBookOf:at: is really a great approach for avoiding wasting memory for #codeBookOf:. I will add your version right away except for the OrderedCollection hard typing. I would like to give more flexibility to this method. And your calculation seems to explain 380MB allocation well. What is still not understood is why the big memory wont go away after CPU usage becomes nearly zero, like for small parameters for #codeBookOf: does. Best Regards |
In reply to this post by Howard Oh
> Folks, > > Add a method loose below. > It won't be harmful to your image just by add it, unless you invoke it > with unproper parameter. > > SequenceableCollection>>codeBookOf: anInteger > > anInteger <= 0 ifTrue: [^self class new]. > ^anInteger = 1 > ifTrue: > [self collect: [:obj| self class with: obj ]] > ifFalse: > [|newAnswerStream| > newAnswerStream := WriteStream on: (self class new: (self size > raisedTo: anInteger)). > (self codeBookOf: anInteger-1) do: [:oneSubAnswer| > self do: [:oneObjectToAdd| > newAnswerStream nextPut: oneSubAnswer, (self class with: > oneObjectToAdd)]]. > newAnswerStream contents] > > > This method is not a problem when anInteger is small. > > Try, #(true false) codeBookOf: 3 > > > It is a problem when anInteger is big. Try below after a good backup > of your image. > > > #(nil 0) codeBookOf: 25 "Number 25 maybe not be big enough for your > PC." > > > makes my PC(P-4 2.4GHz 512MB DDR ram) nearly stop! > > Memory paging goes up to 1.2GB, and Dolphin.exe eats up to 380MB. > CPU usage goes up to 50% but soon or later it drops down to 2%. > That seems to me like the #codeBookOf: has been answered, and > workspace is idle. > But workspace is still hanging and memory allocation is still 1.2GB. > The answered object(Array) is not kept in a workspace variable so it > must have gone garbage collected right away(or 10 sec later). But > still 1.2GB, hard disk is turning like as if it's going to blow. > > As soon as I kill Dolphin.exe from process list, memory allocation > drops down to 550MB and disk rests in peace. > > > Can anyone explain this phenomenon? Well, you are running out of stack in the VM (quite why I'm not sure). I don't know what the method is meant to do but you have a line in there: (self class new: (self size raisedTo: anInteger)) So, as a miniumm you are allocating Array objects with 2^25 + 2^24 + 2^23 etc objects in them. The first term alone is worth 130Mb and that is even without the array being filled with any objects at all so heaven knows how much actually gets allocated. If I run the above, what I see is this. 50% CPU and memory usage going up until it gets to around 75% the amount of physical RAM. At that point CPU drops to 1%-2% but look at the disk light; the machine is into paging and is hence disk-bound. This is why the CPU drops but the algorithm is still continuing. If I leave it for another 5 mins or so, the Dolphin process eventually collapses and writes a crash dump. So the reason why the memory doesn't appear to go away for you is that you aren't letting it "finish". Whatever the algorithm does it needs to be coded differently, I'm afraid. If you look at the crash dump that is written following the crash you will see that it holds: --- 21:44:05 PM, 1/17/2006: Dolphin.exe caused an unhandled Win32 Exception C00000FD at 7C9377C9 in module 7C900000 (C:\WINDOWS\system32\ntdll.dll) --- C00000FD is a stack overflow. Best regards -- Andy Bower Dolphin Support |
In reply to this post by Howard Oh
Howard Oh wrote:
> Your #codeBookOf:at: is really a great approach for avoiding wasting > memory for #codeBookOf:. > I will add your version right away except for the OrderedCollection > hard typing. I would like to give more flexibility to this method. > > And your calculation seems to explain 380MB allocation well. It was 3,489,660,928 bytes (over 3GB). I believe Windows has a maximum process size of 3GB. > What is still not understood is why the big memory wont go away after > CPU usage becomes nearly zero, like for small parameters for > #codeBookOf: does. Dolphin is still executing -- the CPU usage becomes nearly zero since most of the time is spent by the OS paging to disk. John Brant |
In reply to this post by Andy Bower-3
That explains. I didn't know that memory paging was a CPU free operation. I couldn't dare think a process so slow be CPU free. Thanks everybody. Best Regards |
In reply to this post by John Brant
I've refactored #codeBookOf: method by applying "MethodObject" technique. Subclassing SequencableCollection, named "CodeBook" which can answer to #size, #at, #at:put:. It works similar to Interval which is not a real collection but answers properly to Collection protocol. CodeBook>>size ^self codes size raisedTo: self codeLength CodeBook>>at: anInteger ^((self multiQuoAndRem indexValue: anInteger-1)) collect: [:each| self codes at: each ] CodeBook>>at: anInteger put: anObject "Replace the element at index anInteger of the receiver with anObject. Intervals are immutable." ^self shouldNotImplement CodeBook>>species ^Array It can #do: #select: #collect: without any heavy memory allocation, although if i want the memory problem I can simply #asArray. :-) I'm very happy using CodeBook object. Thank you very much for inspiring me John. Best Regards |
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