debugger highlighting objects up the stack

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debugger highlighting objects up the stack

Ben Coman
Just a brief throw away idea to share before it floats off on its own,
it could be useful from the debugger being able to select a variable,
and for the object it contains, ask the debugger to highlight up the stack
where that object exists in variables and in code.
Could be complicated - may need to:
* autoscroll the debugger's inspector pane
* annotate previously sent messages with the identity hash of the
object returned

cheers -ben

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Re: debugger highlighting objects up the stack

Denis Kudriashov

2017-02-17 2:41 GMT+01:00 Ben Coman <[hidden email]>:
Just a brief throw away idea to share before it floats off on its own,
it could be useful from the debugger being able to select a variable,
and for the object it contains, ask the debugger to highlight up the stack
where that object exists in variables and in code.
Could be complicated - may need to:
* autoscroll the debugger's inspector pane
* annotate previously sent messages with the identity hash of the
object returned

Yes, I like it. At least debugger could select variable in table when it is selected in source code. And also with hover event with returning back when mouse is leave.