deprecating GLMBrowserTemplate

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deprecating GLMBrowserTemplate

Tudor Girba-2

Starting with the original version of Glamour, we had the opportunity to define custom browsers through GLMBrowserTemplate. All you had to do was to override buildBrowser and construct your browser.

For example:
        browser := GLMFinder new.
        ^ browser

I disliked this solution since a while. One reason was that embedding a browser into another one was inelegant because you had to say:
a custom: GlamorousBrowser new browser

instead of simply:
a custom: GlamorousBrowser new

So, now, we can achieve this by subclassing the browser from GLMCompositePresentation and overriding compose. And because the GLMCompositePresentation also contains the fluent API, you can script the browser in a fashion that is more consistent with the rest of the scripts. So, the example code would become:

        self finder with: [:finder |
                ... ]

The change might seem small, but to me it is significant.

If we want to get people to program Moose, it must feel elegant to do so. And to reach this goal I think it is essential to strive to eliminate any unneeded concepts. Even if they are small.



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