digital audio; DIO cards/controllers

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digital audio; DIO cards/controllers

How do I send a wave of digital audio to the soundcard?  I don't want to use
a .wav file.

I want to create an Array or OrderedCollection of bytes or words and send
this in a buffered way to an API so that I can hear it on the sound card.  I
don't mind recording the signal optionally to a file, but don't want to have
to use one.  I want to be able to specify the buffer size and, hence, the
latency at the speaker, at 44.1 KHz.  Has anyone done something like this?
I need at least 8 bits of amplitude-resolution and a sampling frequency of
at least 44.1 KHz (22.67 microseconds per sample).


Does anyone have any experience controlling SCRs or TRIACs with digital I/O
cards?  I need to use Dolphin to gate the output of fairly heavy power
supplies.  If anyone has a favorite card/vendor for this sort of
application, I would like to know.  Thanks.
