Dolphin experts,
I would like to process the elements of an ordered collection in parallel. After lots of exploring the image, trail, and error, the following example solution emerged: | outerSemaphore innerSemaphore array | array := #(1 2 3 4 5) copy. outerSemaphore := Semaphore new primSetSignals: 1 - array size; yourself. innerSemaphore := Semaphore new. array do: [ :index | [ | tmpIndex | tmpIndex := index. "(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait." innerSemaphore signal. "(Delay forSeconds: 1) wait." array at: tmpIndex put: tmpIndex + 1. outerSemaphore signal. ] fork. innerSemaphore wait. ]. outerSemaphore wait. ^array. The inner semaphore is used to protect access to the block variable. The outer one is to make the whole thing block until the entire array is processed. There are a couple of problems with this. If the second delay line is uncommented, the answer is incorrect. Waiting there allows the block to rerun and tmpIndex gets overwritten before it is used. The second problem is that I can't get a more general solution to work when it is added to OrderedCollection or some of its superclasses so that I can do #(1 2 3) doInParallel: [ :each | each something ]. Besides, if no delays are allowed in the block, this isn't a very handy construction. Both of these problems may have to do with the not quite block closures that Dolphin 5 is reported to have. Does anyone know if that's the case? Also, will this work better in Dolphin 6: without the inner semaphore or with allowing delays inside the block? If someone has a better solution, please let me know. Thanks. |
You wrote in message news:[hidden email]... > Dolphin experts, > > I would like to process the elements of an ordered collection in parallel. After lots > of exploring the image, trail, and error, the following example solution emerged: > ...[snip]... > There are a couple of problems with this. If the second delay line is uncommented, the > answer is incorrect. Waiting there allows the block to rerun and tmpIndex gets > overwritten before it is used. The second problem is that I can't get a more general > solution to work when it is added to OrderedCollection or some of its superclasses so > that I can do > > #(1 2 3) doInParallel: [ :each | each something ]. > > Besides, if no delays are allowed in the block, this isn't a very handy construction. > > Both of these problems may have to do with the not quite block closures that Dolphin > 5 is reported to have. Does anyone know if that's the case? Yes, you are certainly running into the limitations of Smalltalk-80 style blocks there. Remember that all the temps in the blocks (including any block arguments) are allocated in a shared slot in a context associated with the method. Therefore if you create a sequence of blocks in a loop inside the same method, then all will share the same temp slots. Consequently each of the forked blocks is using the same slot for 'tmpIndex'. A general pattern to overcome this issue is to extract the block creation into a separate method invocation, i.e. ... array do: [:index | (self innerBlock: index) fork] ... You can't do this for a higher-order parallel enumerator, because you aren't in control of the creation of the operation block. However a workaround is to explicitly create a separate home context for each block, e.g. for your original example: | counter array r | array := #(1 2 3 4 5) copy. counter := Semaphore new. r := Random new. array do: [:index | block := [Processor sleep: r next * 1000. array at: index put: index + 1. counter signal]. block outer: block outer copy. block fork]. array size timesRepeat: [counter wait]. ^array If the block is passed in to a method, then you'll obviously have to copy that too to create unique instances. >...Also, will this work > better in Dolphin 6: without the inner semaphore or with allowing delays inside the > block? Yes, it will (does) work as expected in D6. You don't (in D6) need the 'tmpIndex' variable or 'innerSemaphore', since the 'index' argument is copied into each of the forked blocks. Also the excessSignal count of a Semaphore must be >= 0, not negative. Here's how I might write a general parallel transform for D6: collectInParallel: transformBlock | finished answer size | size := self size. answer := self copyLikeOfSize: size. finished := Semaphore new. self keysAndValuesDo: [:i :each | [answer at: i put: (transformBlock value: each). finished signal] fork]. size timesRepeat: [finished wait]. ^answer >...If someone has a better solution, please let me know. Thanks. I've run out of time, so I must leave it as an exercise for the reader to write a #collectInParallel: for D5. Another way would might be to use DeferredValues. Regards Blair |
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