doing a pass on FAMIX-File

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doing a pass on FAMIX-File

Usman Bhatti

I am using FAMIXFile and FAMIXFolder for a project. There are a few things that I've improved.

FAMIXAbstractFile defines a variable for belongsTo, I renamed this variable to parentFolder because AFAIK belongsTo is always derived information. I've implemented parentFolder as a FMMutlivalueLink. The opposite is childrenFileSystemEntities so that we've autoupdating back links. 

This change has made make existing files and folders inst vars and their accessors redundant. The selectors folder and files on a FAMIXFolder still exist but they are computed from childrenFileSystemEntities. IMO, the resulting solution is much more clean and more expressive. 

Let me know if there's a conceptual regression or some cases not covered.


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Re: doing a pass on FAMIX-File

Blondeau Vincent



It seems that it is not committed on the Smalltalkhub Moose repo. Can you check please?







De : Moose-dev [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Usman Bhatti
Envoyé : lundi 9 janvier 2017 10:16
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] doing a pass on FAMIX-File




I am using FAMIXFile and FAMIXFolder for a project. There are a few things that I've improved.


FAMIXAbstractFile defines a variable for belongsTo, I renamed this variable to parentFolder because AFAIK belongsTo is always derived information. I've implemented parentFolder as a FMMutlivalueLink. The opposite is childrenFileSystemEntities so that we've autoupdating back links. 



This change has made make existing files and folders inst vars and their accessors redundant. The selectors folder and files on a FAMIXFolder still exist but they are computed from childrenFileSystemEntities. IMO, the resulting solution is much more clean and more expressive. 



Let me know if there's a conceptual regression or some cases not covered.



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Re: doing a pass on FAMIX-File

Usman Bhatti
I am running some tests to make sure that there is no regression for importers using these entities.


On Mon, Jan 9, 2017 at 10:35 AM, Blondeau Vincent <[hidden email]> wrote:



It seems that it is not committed on the Smalltalkhub Moose repo. Can you check please?







De : Moose-dev [mailto:[hidden email]] De la part de Usman Bhatti
Envoyé : lundi 9 janvier 2017 10:16
À : Moose-related development
Objet : [Moose-dev] doing a pass on FAMIX-File




I am using FAMIXFile and FAMIXFolder for a project. There are a few things that I've improved.


FAMIXAbstractFile defines a variable for belongsTo, I renamed this variable to parentFolder because AFAIK belongsTo is always derived information. I've implemented parentFolder as a FMMutlivalueLink. The opposite is childrenFileSystemEntities so that we've autoupdating back links. 



This change has made make existing files and folders inst vars and their accessors redundant. The selectors folder and files on a FAMIXFolder still exist but they are computed from childrenFileSystemEntities. IMO, the resulting solution is much more clean and more expressive. 



Let me know if there's a conceptual regression or some cases not covered.



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