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draw a path follow a path

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draw a path follow a path

Harness, Kathleen
110 posts
Good Morning,
The draw a path tile is not working properly.
It will not always draw a path; sometimes it will and sometimes it will not
It will sometimes draw part of a path after the draw path script has been paused
It will sometimes draw a path and add a message that no path was drawn, yet the path is available
It will sometimes freeze the draw script while it is ticking
It seems to work better when the draw path script is set to mouse down

This worked well in the previous version.

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Re: draw a path follow a path

Bert Freudenberg
6568 posts
On 2012-07-14, at 14:52, Harness, Kathleen wrote:

> Good Morning,
> The draw a path tile is not working properly.
> It will not always draw a path; sometimes it will and sometimes it will not
> It will sometimes draw part of a path after the draw path script has been paused
> It will sometimes draw a path and add a message that no path was drawn, yet the path is available
> It will sometimes freeze the draw script while it is ticking
> It seems to work better when the draw path script is set to mouse down
> This worked well in the previous version.
> Regards,
> Kathleen

Hi Kathleen,

not ever having done this, and not being able to find a "draw a path tile", could you describe step-by-step what you are trying to do, and how it is failing?

- Bert -

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Re: draw a path follow a path

Bert Freudenberg
6568 posts

On 2012-07-15, at 19:25, Harness, Kathleen wrote:

> Bert,
> The tile is in the Miscellaneous category: sketch do menu item send to back. There is a long list of options from menus found in other places. This project works okay: http://etoysillinois.org/library?sl=2025
> It draw works when the script is set to run when under the mouse. It does not work when the draw script is ticking but rather acts like the list below. It also works when the tile is in a script set to run MouseDown. I think the problems arise when the draw script is ticking, but I don't know how to warn a beginner to avoid that.
> I was trying to emulate an App for the iPad called FlightCrtl HD and last year before the iPad was updated I used the dev permission you provided to try the Etoys version on the iPad. It worked okay.
> Kathleen

Interesting project! It seems to work perfectly though for me in Etoys 4, 5, and 5.0.1.

Do you have a project that used to work and does not anymore?

- Bert -

> ________________________________________
> From: Bert Freudenberg [[hidden email]]
> Sent: Sunday, July 15, 2012 9:50 AM
> To: Harness, Kathleen
> Cc: etoys dev
> Subject: Re: [etoys-dev] draw a path follow a path
> On 2012-07-14, at 14:52, Harness, Kathleen wrote:
>> Good Morning,
>> The draw a path tile is not working properly.
>> It will not always draw a path; sometimes it will and sometimes it will not
>> It will sometimes draw part of a path after the draw path script has been paused
>> It will sometimes draw a path and add a message that no path was drawn, yet the path is available
>> It will sometimes freeze the draw script while it is ticking
>> It seems to work better when the draw path script is set to mouse down
>> This worked well in the previous version.
>> Regards,
>> Kathleen
> Hi Kathleen,
> not ever having done this, and not being able to find a "draw a path tile", could you describe step-by-step what you are trying to do, and how it is failing?
> - Bert -

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