eToys questions - creating a sketch for a backdrop image - 'stage'

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eToys questions - creating a sketch for a backdrop image - 'stage'

R.D. Latimer
I have a 'racetrack' sketch that is supposed to work as a 'stage' as
in Scratch. The car drives on this racetrack and needs to leave a pen
The pendown writes onto the main screen area, underneath this
racetrack 'stage'.  How do I create two sketches - one serving as a
'stage' /background, and the other as the 'sprite' to move and leave
pen trails on the first sketch.
Randy Latimer
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Re: eToys questions - creating a sketch for a backdrop image - 'stage'

Ricardo Moran
Hi, you should grab a playfield from the supplies flap and draw you background in the playfield, then put your car inside the playfield and the pen trails should be above the background.


On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 1:15 PM, R.D. Latimer <[hidden email]> wrote:
I have a 'racetrack' sketch that is supposed to work as a 'stage' as
in Scratch. The car drives on this racetrack and needs to leave a pen
The pendown writes onto the main screen area, underneath this
racetrack 'stage'.  How do I create two sketches - one serving as a
'stage' /background, and the other as the 'sprite' to move and leave
pen trails on the first sketch.
Randy Latimer
squeakland mailing list
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Re: eToys questions - creating a sketch for a backdrop image - 'stage'

R.D. Latimer
Thanks for the help on painting the playfield.
If I resize the playfield - should the painting resize also? I think
mine painting on the playfield stays the same size.

Also - is it possible to undo actions, like if I accidentally delete a
background painting or delete a playfield.

And also - can I duplicate scripts, make copies - not siblings - so I
can save time using scripts with similar blocks.
In Scratch, a right click on a series of blocks allows you to
duplicate the blocks.

Thanks again,
Randy Latimer

On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 12:00 PM, Ricardo Moran <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Hi, you should grab a playfield from the supplies flap and draw you
> background in the playfield, then put your car inside the playfield and the
> pen trails should be above the background.
> Cheers,
> Richo
> On Fri, Feb 24, 2012 at 1:15 PM, R.D. Latimer <[hidden email]> wrote:
>> I have a 'racetrack' sketch that is supposed to work as a 'stage' as
>> in Scratch. The car drives on this racetrack and needs to leave a pen
>> trail.
>> The pendown writes onto the main screen area, underneath this
>> racetrack 'stage'.  How do I create two sketches - one serving as a
>> 'stage' /background, and the other as the 'sprite' to move and leave
>> pen trails on the first sketch.
>> Thanks
>> Randy Latimer
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Re: eToys questions - creating a sketch for a backdrop image - 'stage'

K K Subbu
On Monday 27 Feb 2012 10:36:46 AM R.D. Latimer wrote:
> Thanks for the help on painting the playfield.
> If I resize the playfield - should the painting resize also? I think
> mine painting on the playfield stays the same size.
Painting a playfield (or World) just embeds a sketch morph into it. Keep
clicking on the sketch till you get its halo and then script its length and
width to track those on the playfield. BTW, you will find 'repaint' button on
the World's halo too.

> Also - is it possible to undo actions, like if I accidentally delete a
> background painting or delete a playfield.
Just drag the deleted object from the trash back into your project.

> And also - can I duplicate scripts, make copies - not siblings - so I
> can save time using scripts with similar blocks.
There are many ways in which you can have non-siblings be driven by the same
script. For instance, you can put all such objects into an invisible holder
and use 'Holder's tell all contents'. See Bert's video on Pythagoras theorem
for some more hints.

HTH .. Subbu
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Re: eToys questions - creating a sketch for a backdrop image - 'stage'

Steve Thomas
On Mon, Feb 27, 2012 at 11:39 AM, K. K. Subramaniam <[hidden email]> wrote:
On Monday 27 Feb 2012 10:36:46 AM R.D. Latimer wrote:> And also - can I duplicate scripts, make copies - not siblings - so I
> can save time using scripts with similar blocks.
There are many ways in which you can have non-siblings be driven by the same
script. For instance, you can put all such objects into an invisible holder
and use 'Holder's tell all contents'. See Bert's video on Pythagoras theorem
for some more hints.

True there are many ways you can have non-siblings driven by the same script. I can think of at least two:
  1. Have  a script that uses a "player" parameter
  2. The Bert way: Create your own scripting tiles
I should create a video to explain these (see Bert'sSqueakfest 2010 talk here, but I may create a shorter version even though that would leave out of lot of the wonderful things Bert demonstrated, more folks may watch it).

That said, I still think it's too hard to re-use scripts in Etoys.  Some things should be hard fun, but these methods can be just plain annoying/frustrating (although a good argument could be made for having kids create their own scripting tiles and the method demonstrated by Bert is wonderful).

And while I agree it would be good for kids to be encouraged to create their own scripting tiles, most of the time its more trouble than its worth or more effort than should be asked of kids at certain points in their learning.

I can travel from Princeton to NYC by walking and I would see and learn a lot along the way, but who has the time or the energy.  I'd rather take a train.

So it would be nice if there was a simpler way of re-using scripts.  Knowing Etoys, there probably is and perhaps method 1 above is a partial solution, not sure need to think about this more.

Comments and suggestions welcome.


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