enabling, disabling, checking popup menus

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enabling, disabling, checking popup menus

Jonathon Spaeth

Does anybody have experience enabling and disabling popup menu items (either
triggered by a right-click or the system or menu bar menus) dynamically in
response to the event aboutToShowMenu: ?  I have had success connecting the
event handler and locating the menu item to be disabled with no problems.
However, I found no elegant way of disabling a menu item using the existing
class hierarchy.  I believe there is a solution to be had by populating a
MENUITEMINFO class with the proper flags, but I have had no success with
this solution.  The following method is my attempted solution.

setMenuItem: aPopupMenu byCommand: aCommand enabled: bEnabled
    | anInfo index item |

    index := aPopupMenu indexOfCommand: aCommand.
    item := aPopupMenu itemAt: index.

    anInfo := MENUITEMINFOA new.
    item populateItemInfo: anInfo.
    anInfo fMask: MIIM_STATE;
        fState: MFS_DISABLED.

    aPopupMenu setItem: index info: anInfo.

According to all the docs I could get my hands on between dolphin and
microsoft concerning this issue, the above code should disable a menu item,
however it does not work.

Any ideas?  Am I working at the wrong level of abstraction here?  I spent a
good amount of time searching through the Menu, MenuItem, CommandMenuItem,
MENUITEMINFOA classes.  I thought one of these classes would have methods to
enable/disable, check/uncheck menu items?


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Re: enabling, disabling, checking popup menus

Ian Bartholomew-17

> Any ideas?  Am I working at the wrong level of abstraction here?  I spent
> good amount of time searching through the Menu, MenuItem, CommandMenuItem,
> MENUITEMINFOA classes.  I thought one of these classes would have methods
> enable/disable, check/uncheck menu items?

Nope. Dolphin makes it a lot easier ;-)

Have a look in your image for definitions of the #queryCommand: method -
there should be lots.  Rather than enabling/disabling or checking/unchecking
specific menu items Dolphin enables or disables the _command_ sent by the
menu item.  This has the big advantage that if the command is sent from a
number of sources (multiple menus and a toolbar button for example) the UI
for all of them can be updated in one operation.

For example. Say you have a menu item that sends the #trigger command. The
#queryCommand: method in the Shell could then read

queryCommand: aCommandQuery
    aCommandQuery command == #trigger
        ifTrue: [
            aCommandQuery isEnabled: self canTrigger.
   ^super queryCommand: aCommandQuery

If the #canTrigger method answers true then the menu item is enabled, if it
answers false the menu item is disabled.  The same block can also set/clear
the checked state of the menu item using the #isChecked: method.  There is a
bit more to it (to do with which object in a nested Shell performs and
enables a command) but that should be enough to get you going.

One other point. Dolphin calls the above method when the UI is free (for
toolbars) and when a menu is displayed so, normally, you don't have to take
any extra action to update the UI, it's done for you.

There are also a number of longer, and better, explanations in the newsgroup
archive - search for queryCommand.


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Re: enabling, disabling, checking popup menus

Udo Schneider
In reply to this post by Jonathon Spaeth
Jonathon Spaeth wrote:
> Hi
> Does anybody have experience enabling and disabling popup menu items
> (either triggered by a right-click or the system or menu bar menus)
> dynamically in
> response to the event aboutToShowMenu: ?  I have had success connecting

I think #queryCommand: might help you.

Dolphin does not enable or disable the menu item itself. Instead you
enable/disable the command .... and all widgets issuing this command will
be disabled/enabled.

Everytime a menu item or button is display, #queryCommand: is called with a
CommandQuery. This CommandQuery includes the the command to be executed
(the message you choose). Based on this you can choose to enable/disable
the command or check/uncheck it.

#queryCommand: is also called when no widget is to be displayed. Therefore
this is a very comfortable way to control the commands without having to
deal with how to disable/enable all the differnet kind of widgets. As long
as a widget sends the same command it will be enabled/disabled like all the

Take a look at some #queryCommand: methods in the system to see some
possible uses.



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Re: enabling, disabling, checking popup menus

Jonathon Spaeth
In reply to this post by Ian Bartholomew-17

Thanks for the pointer.  After a while of trying to make the MENUITEMINFO
class do what I wanted, I knew that there had to have been a higher-level
API that I was just missing.  After about 15 minutes of investigation into
the queryCommand hook, things became much more obvious.


"Ian Bartholomew" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> Jonathon,
> > Any ideas?  Am I working at the wrong level of abstraction here?  I
> a
> > good amount of time searching through the Menu, MenuItem,
> > MENUITEMINFOA classes.  I thought one of these classes would have
> to
> > enable/disable, check/uncheck menu items?
> Nope. Dolphin makes it a lot easier ;-)
> Have a look in your image for definitions of the #queryCommand: method -
> there should be lots.  Rather than enabling/disabling or

> specific menu items Dolphin enables or disables the _command_ sent by the
> menu item.  This has the big advantage that if the command is sent from a
> number of sources (multiple menus and a toolbar button for example) the UI
> for all of them can be updated in one operation.
> For example. Say you have a menu item that sends the #trigger command. The
> #queryCommand: method in the Shell could then read
> queryCommand: aCommandQuery
>     aCommandQuery command == #trigger
>         ifTrue: [
>             aCommandQuery isEnabled: self canTrigger.
>             ^true].
>    ^super queryCommand: aCommandQuery
> If the #canTrigger method answers true then the menu item is enabled, if
> answers false the menu item is disabled.  The same block can also
> the checked state of the menu item using the #isChecked: method.  There is
> bit more to it (to do with which object in a nested Shell performs and
> enables a command) but that should be enough to get you going.
> One other point. Dolphin calls the above method when the UI is free (for
> toolbars) and when a menu is displayed so, normally, you don't have to
> any extra action to update the UI, it's done for you.
> There are also a number of longer, and better, explanations in the
> archive - search for queryCommand.
> Regards
>     Ian