evaluation of the expression 7 factorial

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evaluation of the expression 7 factorial

Rene Paul Mages (ramix)

As you can see :


the result of the following evaluation is not 5040 :

7 factorial

Nota Bene : my linux laptop is running the 64 bits version of Pharo 8.0.0

Thanks for your help.
Rene Paul Mages (ramix) GnuPG key 0x9840A6F7

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Re: evaluation of the expression 7 factorial

Esteban A. Maringolo
Try inspecting the result (Cmd+i) instead of printing it.

The print result is breaking the number (5040) in two lines, but you only see the first three characters.


Esteban A. Maringolo

On Tue, Mar 10, 2020 at 1:48 PM Rene Paul Mages (ramix) <[hidden email]> wrote:

As you can see :


the result of the following evaluation is not 5040 :

7 factorial

Nota Bene : my linux laptop is running the 64 bits version of Pharo 8.0.0

Thanks for your help.
Rene Paul Mages (ramix) GnuPG key 0x9840A6F7

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Re: evaluation of the expression 7 factorial

In reply to this post by Rene Paul Mages (ramix)

It's just that the printing buffer cannot contain all the characters
(the last digit is most probably justĀ  a line down !)
This happens often when using a size that is not small because the GUi
object is not getting bigger :)
(which is still not good)


On 10/03/2020 17:47, Rene Paul Mages (ramix) wrote:

> Hello,
> As you can see :
> http://ramix.org/pharo/version-8.0/7-factorial.png
> the result of the following evaluation is not 5040 :
> 7 factorial
> Nota Bene : my linux laptop is running the 64 bits version of Pharo 8.0.0