Hello all,
I'm a smalltalker but relatively newbie working with Dolphin. I found
some things that in Smalltalks that I come (VS and VW) do not occur.
I need pass a block as an argument in traditional messages like
#ifTrue:ifFalse: , #and: and the compiler do not allow me to pass a
non-literal block. For example:
| block |
block := [3 + 4].
3 > 4
ifTrue: [3 - 4]
ifFalse: block
not compile (Error: expecting literal block)!
I have to implement the avobe method as follow:
| block |
block := [3 + 4].
3 > 4
ifTrue: [3 - 4]
ifFalse: [block value]
The same situation with another messages.
I know that this occur by optimization razons.
I know that the compiler inlines those messages if the argument is a
literal block. But I think that (as in others Smalltalks) it should
allow to pass non-literal blocks too.
What do you think?
Guillermo Sapaya