Hi All,
I have some session objects that need to be cleaned up. I was hoping that
expire would be sent to inactive sessions. It looks like this might be
happening randomly during requests but I'm not sure.
I see that unregister: -> clearHandlers -> unregistered calls expire. I
think while tracing it I saw a 10% random chance of sessions expiring this
Am I getting this right do sessions expire this way, triggered randomly by
additional requests?
If so this works when a browser is closed, but could we also add expire to
the second to last line of:
WARegistry >> handleKeyRequest: aRequest
| key handler keyString |
"Under some circumstances, HTTP fields are collections of values"
key := [keyString := aRequest at: self handlerField.
(keyString isKindOf: OrderedCollection) ifTrue:
[keyString := keyString first].
WAExternalID fromString: keyString] on: Error do:
[:e | nil].
handler := handlersByKey at: key ifAbsent: [nil].
^ (handler notNil and: [handler isActive])
ifTrue: [handler handleRequest: aRequest]
ifFalse: [
handler expire. "EXPIRE THE SESSION Since it timed
self handleExpiredRequest: aRequest]
This would allow me to clean up sessions that expire sooner when the browser
was left open.
Thank you for your help!
Ron Teitelbaum
Seaside mailing list
[hidden email]