extra class category added in Pharo-2.0 for Monticello package

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extra class category added in Pharo-2.0 for Monticello package

Yanni Chiu
When I load a Monticello package that was developed in Pharo-1.X, into a
Pharo-2.0 image, I get an extra category created. For example, a package
named "Some-Thing-author.n.mcz" originally contained class categories:


In the Pharo-2.0 system browser, I see an extra category, like:


I thought it was just an artifact of the new browser. However, when I do
a diff, before saving the changes to a Monticello version, I see that
the "Some-Thing" is flagged as diff.

Will this extra class category cause any trouble, if I want to load the
new Monticello version into a Pharo-1.4 image?

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Re: extra class category added in Pharo-2.0 for Monticello package

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
Hi Yanni,

On 25 Mar 2013, at 04:42, Yanni Chiu <[hidden email]> wrote:

> When I load a Monticello package that was developed in Pharo-1.X, into a Pharo-2.0 image, I get an extra category created. For example, a package named "Some-Thing-author.n.mcz" originally contained class categories:
> Some-Thing-Model
> Some-Thing-View
> In the Pharo-2.0 system browser, I see an extra category, like:
> Some-Thing
> Some-Thing-Model
> Some-Thing-View
> I thought it was just an artifact of the new browser. However, when I do a diff, before saving the changes to a Monticello version, I see that the "Some-Thing" is flagged as diff.
> Will this extra class category cause any trouble, if I want to load the new Monticello version into a Pharo-1.4 image?

In your case, there will be a virtual/extra category in the browser called 'Some-Thing' to show the extension methods. For MC, the package is still 'Some-Thing', as far as diffs are concerned. This seems normal to me.

That being said, sometimes strange things happen ;-)


Sven Van Caekenberghe
Smalltalk is the Red Pill