fOSSa 2012

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fOSSa 2012

Marcus Denker-4
Pharo will participate to the fourth edition of the fOSSa Conference taking place from December 4 to 6, 2012 in Lille (France).

The aim of the fOSSa (Free Open Source Academia Conference) is to reaffirm the underlying values of Open Source software: innovation & research in software development.

While the first edition aimed at providing valuable information on the Open Source model at large, the second edition focused specific key-aspects of FOSS such as tech innovation,upcoming issues & challenges in the open development context and how open activities, collaboration and knowledge sharing is beneficial to academia, education & industry. The third edition look at the future of Open Source (Eco system, Trends, new territories, etc). 

The fourth edition will address in an open-minded style about:
- Digital Geographic Strategies & the Native Generation,
- FLOSS History with the movie: "Revolution OS” followed by a debate,
- Open Art, collaboration between art & science,
- Licenses in the real life: no lawyers speeches, only facts & return experience,
- Workshops to learn how to develop code for debian, gnome, apache, robotics ROS ...
And, of course the usual fOSSa topics (Education & Community management).
There will be a Pharo Workshop Dec 5th.

"What marks the difference between fOSSa and other events is the air that you breath there. An event organized by passionate people, with passionate attendees as well … and great speakers. Every year you can get some presentations of greater international events in advance (I remember the year of Arduino, to give you an example).” -- Gabriele Ruffatti -- SpagoWorld Blog 2012.

fOSSa days are open to everyone and registration is free !
more information @

Marcus Denker --