failed to create window

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failed to create window

With a DateTimePicker, I receive the following message.

8:51:44 AM, Friday, June 09, 2006: 'failed to create window (16r0: The
operation completed successfully.)'
[] in EditableListView>>onViewOpened
[] in Presenter>>onViewOpened

The control is a new EmbeddedDateTimePicker for use with
EditableListView. Prior to this walkback, the contol was working well.
Just wondering if this is a view resource/binary filing issue or an OS
issue. Currently running Windows XP Home Edition V 5.1 SP1.


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Re: failed to create window

Initially, EmbeddedDateTimePicker>>createEmbeddedIn: aView has a valid
view instance. After inspecting the views creation parent (aView) in
the debugger shows this has changed to aDeafObject.

Why is the creationParent, interactor and presenter for the control
being changed to aDeafObject? Am I missing something during the
initialization process for the control?



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Re: failed to create window

Chris Uppal-3
In reply to this post by pax
Pax wrote:

> EmbeddedDateTimePicker(View)>>unhookWindowCreate:
> EditableListViewDemo>>onViewOpened

I think EditableListViewDemo is part of John Aspinal's EditableListView

But my copy of that (and I've just downloaded a fresh copy) has no class called
EmbeddedDateTimePicker.  Where does that come from ?

BTW, are you using D5 or D6 -- it wasn't quote clear from your post ?

    -- chris

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Re: failed to create window

> But my copy of that (and I've just downloaded a fresh copy) has no class called
> EmbeddedDateTimePicker.  Where does that come from ?
> BTW, are you using D5 or D6 -- it wasn't quote clear from your post ?
>     -- chris

Correct Chris,

EmbeddedDateTimePicker is an enhancement I am developing for
EditableListView. Its not production release at this timeI have already
mailed a copy of the code to John Aspinal as this is a collaboration of
sorts. Once complete, the contol will have more flexibility in terms of
the number of controls it supports.

EmbeddedDateTimePicker was a request from my end users for a future
release. BTW: this is for D6 patch level 2.

I just wanted to get some feedback regarding DeafObjects and view since
I have never come across this problem before. Anyway, between John and
self (pun intended) we should be able to figure out the problem and get
the new control working.

If you have dealt with DeafObjects and views, I would love to hear
about it as it may help solve the current issues I am facing.



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Re: failed to create window

Chris Uppal-3

> If you have dealt with DeafObjects and views, I would love to hear
> about it as it may help solve the current issues I am facing.

Only a little, I'm afraid.  And I doubt if this will help much...

As far as I know live Views shouldn't normally hold a reference to a  (or
rather "the", since there's only one) DeafObject.

Deaf objects are used as placeholders for Views while an MVP triad initialises
itself.  First the Presenter is created and connected to a (possibly
pre-existing) model, and then the Views are created and linked in.  Also, when
a Presenter is told that its View has been destroyed, it replaces its #view
with a reference to a DeafObject.  So, although Presenters often have
references to DeafObjects, Views don't usually have them.

The only place I know of where a View /should/ hold a reference to a DeafObject
is after it has been destroyed (see View>>wmNcDestroy:wParam:lParam:), where it
sets its #presenter, #creationParent, and #interactor to DeafObject current.

One possibility (rather remote, I admit) is that as the EmbeddedDateTimePicker
executes #createEmbeddedIn: it is doing something which causes the control (or
some parent ?) to rebuild itself.  Normally, when a View has to change some
aspect of itself which it isn't sure that the underlying Windows control can
change on-the-fly, it just saves its state, kills the current Windows control
(and subviews too, I think), then recreates it from the saved state.  The
reason that /might/ be relevant is that #recreate causes
#wmNcDestroy:wParam:lParam: to be invoked when the View is temporarily
destroyed.  /If/ something has gone wrong with the #recreate method, so that
for some reason it hasn't set the #isStateRestoring flag while it does this
stuff, then the code in #wmNcDestroy:wParam:lParam: will throw away the
reference to #presenter, #creationParent, and #interactor.  So if you stepped
over that change, those three fields would suddenly be set to a DeafObject.

That's rather unlikely, since it depends on "something" having gone wrong with
#recreate.  But, fwiw, I did once break #recreate myself accidentally (by
defining a useful "new" aspect called #placement and not noticing that it
overrode an important system method...).  Also I think the code in View using
#recreate has changed a bit between D5 and D6, so it may be that something that
would have worked with D5 no longer works with D6.

    -- chris

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Re: failed to create window


thanks for the information. John Aspinall spotted a problem with my
code during the creation process for the control.
EmbeddedDateTimePicker works fine now but its still being tested prior
to being relased.

