failing tests?

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failing tests?

Max Leske
Hi there

I'm trying to port an existing app to gemstone and discovered that after some playing around gemstone reports certain symbols as undefined that are actually classes I can view in the GS class browser. So I opened the test runner and ran the UndefinedSymbolsTest. The test failed. Next I thought this might be my doing so I installed a fresh gemstone copy and ran all the tests in the test runner:



I know I'm using a beta but it's marked as release... So is this normal?

I'm running MacOS 10.6.6 with Gemstone/S I connect with the latest Pharo image (1.2.0-beta.8-244x) and use the latest GemTools (1.0-beta.8.4).

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Re: failing tests?

Dale Henrichs
On 01/28/2011 12:53 AM, Max Leske wrote:

> Hi there
> I'm trying to port an existing app to gemstone and discovered that after some playing around gemstone reports certain symbols as undefined that are actually classes I can view in the GS class browser. So I opened the test runner and ran the UndefinedSymbolsTest. The test failed. Next I thought this might be my doing so I installed a fresh gemstone copy and ran all the tests in the test runner:
> Errors:
> FileDirectoryTests>>#testBug39468
> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testAddAndLoad
> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testIncludesName
> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testLoadMissingNode
> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testStoreAndLoad
> Failures:
> SqueakTests>>#testDateArithmetic
> SqueakTests>>#testReadFrom
> I know I'm using a beta but it's marked as release... So is this normal?
> I'm running MacOS 10.6.6 with Gemstone/S I connect with the latest Pharo image (1.2.0-beta.8-244x) and use the latest GemTools (1.0-beta.8.4).
> Cheers,
> Max


I try not to make a GLASS release without ensuring that the tests all
run clean. With that said, I haven't had access to a mac until recently
so I didn't run the tests regularly on a Mac.

I do know that there is one known bug on the Mac in relation to

Although I haven't tried it, the bug report implies that setting the PWD
environment variable (before running topaz, starting the netldi, or
launching your GemTools image) should address the problem.

Bug39468 is an internal GemStone bug number that has been fixed for a
while, but it involves FileDirectory and is probably exposed to Issue 70.

The two SqueakTests that are failing are interesting to me, so I would
need some more information to figure out what's going on... So I'd like
to know what version of GLASS you are using:

   ConfigurationOfGLASS project currentVersion

and some stack traces from the test failures will help track this down
(there is a copy stack menu item in the debugger).

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Re: failing tests?

Max Leske

On 28.01.2011, at 18:41, Dale Henrichs wrote:

> On 01/28/2011 12:53 AM, Max Leske wrote:
>> Hi there
>> I'm trying to port an existing app to gemstone and discovered that after some playing around gemstone reports certain symbols as undefined that are actually classes I can view in the GS class browser. So I opened the test runner and ran the UndefinedSymbolsTest. The test failed. Next I thought this might be my doing so I installed a fresh gemstone copy and ran all the tests in the test runner:
>> Errors:
>> FileDirectoryTests>>#testBug39468
>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testAddAndLoad
>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testIncludesName
>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testLoadMissingNode
>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testStoreAndLoad
>> Failures:
>> SqueakTests>>#testDateArithmetic
>> SqueakTests>>#testReadFrom
>> I know I'm using a beta but it's marked as release... So is this normal?
>> I'm running MacOS 10.6.6 with Gemstone/S I connect with the latest Pharo image (1.2.0-beta.8-244x) and use the latest GemTools (1.0-beta.8.4).
>> Cheers,
>> Max
> Max,
> I try not to make a GLASS release without ensuring that the tests all run clean. With that said, I haven't had access to a mac until recently so I didn't run the tests regularly on a Mac.
> I do know that there is one known bug on the Mac in relation to FileDirectory:
> Although I haven't tried it, the bug report implies that setting the PWD environment variable (before running topaz, starting the netldi, or launching your GemTools image) should address the problem.
> Bug39468 is an internal GemStone bug number that has been fixed for a while, but it involves FileDirectory and is probably exposed to Issue 70.
> The two SqueakTests that are failing are interesting to me, so I would need some more information to figure out what's going on... So I'd like to know what version of GLASS you are using:
>  ConfigurationOfGLASS project currentVersion
> and some stack traces from the test failures will help track this down (there is a copy stack menu item in the debugger).
> Dale

Hi Dale

Asking for the GLASS version returns this string:  >=1.0-beta.8.5 [ConfigurationOfGLASS] (There seems to be a problem there with GemTools. The first time I asked for the version it told me >=1.0-beta.8.5. Only after clicking the update button -> update GLASS - without updating, just looking at the versions -  would it output the correct version).

Regarding the bug report, I'm not quite sure what it is implying but on my system $PWD is set to my home directory (I did include the ".../defSeaside" line in my .profile though).

I attached the stack traces for each test. There's actually another test failure in this run: #testImplementedNotSent. I simply loaded a clean backup instead of reinstalling Gemstone so maybe I broke something. I included the trace anyway. Hope this helps.


testDateArithmetic.txt (7K) Download Attachment
testReadFrom.txt (7K) Download Attachment
testSentButNotImplemented.txt (7K) Download Attachment
testStoreAndLoad.txt (5K) Download Attachment
testLoadMissingNode.txt (5K) Download Attachment
testIncludesName.txt (5K) Download Attachment
testAddAndLoad .txt (5K) Download Attachment
testBug39468.txt (7K) Download Attachment
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Re: failing tests?

Dale Henrichs

I think I need a little more information about your setup to reproduce
your issues, or we can try to move forward...

On my mac, if I take virgin extent0.seaside.dbf (GLASS 1.0-beta.8.1) and
run the tests, I do get a bunch of FileDirectory related test errors ...
so I should be able to find a workaround for the directory related
problems ...

However, I am unable to reproduce the two SqueakTests problems, so I'm
wondering what you might have loaded into your repository?

If we want to move forward, the first thing I would suggest is to update
to GLASS 1.0-beta.8.5 so that you're at least running on the latest code
base ... After updating, try running the tests again and let me know the

I'm assuming that you've loaded some versions of configurations that
weren't quite configured correctly so that you've got some incompatible
code loaded ... updating to GLASS 1.0-beta.8.5 should fix the
SqueakTests ... as I've mentioned the directory-based failures on the
Mac are a known issue...


On 01/28/2011 10:22 AM, Max Leske wrote:

> On 28.01.2011, at 18:41, Dale Henrichs wrote:
>> On 01/28/2011 12:53 AM, Max Leske wrote:
>>> Hi there
>>> I'm trying to port an existing app to gemstone and discovered that after some playing around gemstone reports certain symbols as undefined that are actually classes I can view in the GS class browser. So I opened the test runner and ran the UndefinedSymbolsTest. The test failed. Next I thought this might be my doing so I installed a fresh gemstone copy and ran all the tests in the test runner:
>>> Errors:
>>> FileDirectoryTests>>#testBug39468
>>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testAddAndLoad
>>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testIncludesName
>>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testLoadMissingNode
>>> MCDirectoryRepositoryTest>>#testStoreAndLoad
>>> Failures:
>>> SqueakTests>>#testDateArithmetic
>>> SqueakTests>>#testReadFrom
>>> I know I'm using a beta but it's marked as release... So is this normal?
>>> I'm running MacOS 10.6.6 with Gemstone/S I connect with the latest Pharo image (1.2.0-beta.8-244x) and use the latest GemTools (1.0-beta.8.4).
>>> Cheers,
>>> Max
>> Max,
>> I try not to make a GLASS release without ensuring that the tests all run clean. With that said, I haven't had access to a mac until recently so I didn't run the tests regularly on a Mac.
>> I do know that there is one known bug on the Mac in relation to FileDirectory:
>> Although I haven't tried it, the bug report implies that setting the PWD environment variable (before running topaz, starting the netldi, or launching your GemTools image) should address the problem.
>> Bug39468 is an internal GemStone bug number that has been fixed for a while, but it involves FileDirectory and is probably exposed to Issue 70.
>> The two SqueakTests that are failing are interesting to me, so I would need some more information to figure out what's going on... So I'd like to know what version of GLASS you are using:
>>   ConfigurationOfGLASS project currentVersion
>> and some stack traces from the test failures will help track this down (there is a copy stack menu item in the debugger).
>> Dale
> Hi Dale
> Asking for the GLASS version returns this string:>=1.0-beta.8.5 [ConfigurationOfGLASS] (There seems to be a problem there with GemTools. The first time I asked for the version it told me>=1.0-beta.8.5. Only after clicking the update button ->  update GLASS - without updating, just looking at the versions -  would it output the correct version).
> Regarding the bug report, I'm not quite sure what it is implying but on my system $PWD is set to my home directory (I did include the ".../defSeaside" line in my .profile though).
> I attached the stack traces for each test. There's actually another test failure in this run: #testImplementedNotSent. I simply loaded a clean backup instead of reinstalling Gemstone so maybe I broke something. I included the trace anyway. Hope this helps.
> Cheers,
> Max