failing tests

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failing tests

Tudor Girba-2

A ton of tests are still failing due to the issue of Collection>>union:. Most of these issues seem to come from the metrics that seem to overuse this functionality:

It would be great if the authors would look over it.



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Re: failing tests

Tudor Girba-2
I fixed the problems related to allRecursiveTypes. However, there are still several usages of union: in the KGB API. I would be so happy if we would take the opportunity to simply remove most of this API and use Chef instead.

Anyone interested? :)


On 18 Mar 2012, at 20:41, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hi,
> A ton of tests are still failing due to the issue of Collection>>union:. Most of these issues seem to come from the metrics that seem to overuse this functionality:
> It would be great if the authors would look over it.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> "Live like you mean it."


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Re: failing tests

I am not sure how I can help. Produce a new jenkins version and I will look at the history of allRecursiveTypes to understand better.


On 18 Mar 2012, at 16:59, Tudor Girba wrote:

> I fixed the problems related to allRecursiveTypes. However, there are still several usages of union: in the KGB API. I would be so happy if we would take the opportunity to simply remove most of this API and use Chef instead.
> Anyone interested? :)
> Doru
> On 18 Mar 2012, at 20:41, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A ton of tests are still failing due to the issue of Collection>>union:. Most of these issues seem to come from the metrics that seem to overuse this functionality:
>> It would be great if the authors would look over it.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> "Live like you mean it."
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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: failing tests

Stéphane Ducasse
In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2

On Mar 18, 2012, at 9:59 PM, Tudor Girba wrote:

> I fixed the problems related to allRecursiveTypes. However, there are still several usages of union: in the KGB API. I would be so happy if we would take the opportunity to simply remove most of this API and use Chef instead.

> Anyone interested? :)

I'm more than full.
2 days of meetings a week for 3 weeks :(
Not counting travel.

> Doru
> On 18 Mar 2012, at 20:41, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A ton of tests are still failing due to the issue of Collection>>union:. Most of these issues seem to come from the metrics that seem to overuse this functionality:
>> It would be great if the authors would look over it.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> "Live like you mean it."
> --
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> the problem in a way that makes the solution obvious."
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Re: failing tests

In reply to this post by Tudor Girba-2
Thanks! I checked the implementation of allRecursiveTypes
It went from

        "Retrieves all types recursively"

        ^ self types union: (self types flatCollect: [:each | each allRecursiveTypes]).

        "Retrieves all nested types recursively (including directly nested types and those nested in methods)"
        | result |
        result := Set new.
        self allRecursiveTypesDo: [:each | result add: each ].
        ^ result

I am a bit puzzled. How comes that a new version of #union: break down so many tests.
#union: is a simple operation.

Refactoring what is already existing. How should I refactor:
        "returns a set of all the namespaces that the receiver depends on (they include some classes that the receiver inherites, staticly accesses, or uses some of their methods)"
        ^ self inheritedNamespaces union: self invokedNamespaces

I have the impression that we are bumping into something we should not have bumped into.


On 18 Mar 2012, at 16:59, Tudor Girba wrote:

> I fixed the problems related to allRecursiveTypes. However, there are still several usages of union: in the KGB API. I would be so happy if we would take the opportunity to simply remove most of this API and use Chef instead.
> Anyone interested? :)
> Doru
> On 18 Mar 2012, at 20:41, Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> A ton of tests are still failing due to the issue of Collection>>union:. Most of these issues seem to come from the metrics that seem to overuse this functionality:
>> It would be great if the authors would look over it.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> "Live like you mean it."
> --
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> the problem in a way that makes the solution obvious."
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Alexandre Bergel

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Re: failing tests

Stéphane Ducasse

On Mar 18, 2012, at 10:08 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:

> I am a bit puzzled. How comes that a new version of #union: break down so many tests.
> #union: is a simple operation.

Yes I would like to know it too.
Do you have one single case that we can understand?


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Re: failing tests

Tudor Girba-2

The problem is that the new implementation of union: and intersection: makes reference to class directly. Instead, they should use species.

I opened a an issue:

and created the corresponding slice:
Name: SLICE-Issue-5523-Collection-union-and-intersection-should-use-species-TudorGirba.1
Author: TudorGirba
Time: 20 March 2012, 7:25:55 am
UUID: b3944736-b2d8-4c30-ad24-3c39c2a18cf9
Dependencies: Collections-Abstract-TudorGirba.158

use species instead of class for Collection>>union: and intersection:


On 19 Mar 2012, at 20:10, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:

> On Mar 18, 2012, at 10:08 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>> I am a bit puzzled. How comes that a new version of #union: break down so many tests.
>> #union: is a simple operation.
> Yes I would like to know it too.
> Do you have one single case that we can understand?
> Stef
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Re: [Pharo-project] failing tests

Stéphane Ducasse
thanks good catch!


On Mar 20, 2012, at 7:34 AM, Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hi,
> The problem is that the new implementation of union: and intersection: makes reference to class directly. Instead, they should use species.
> I opened a an issue:
> and created the corresponding slice:
> Name: SLICE-Issue-5523-Collection-union-and-intersection-should-use-species-TudorGirba.1
> Author: TudorGirba
> Time: 20 March 2012, 7:25:55 am
> UUID: b3944736-b2d8-4c30-ad24-3c39c2a18cf9
> Ancestors:
> Dependencies: Collections-Abstract-TudorGirba.158
> use species instead of class for Collection>>union: and intersection:
> Cheers,
> Doru
> On 19 Mar 2012, at 20:10, Stéphane Ducasse wrote:
>> On Mar 18, 2012, at 10:08 PM, Alexandre Bergel wrote:
>>> I am a bit puzzled. How comes that a new version of #union: break down so many tests.
>>> #union: is a simple operation.
>> Yes I would like to know it too.
>> Do you have one single case that we can understand?
>> Stef
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