fileIn without initializing

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fileIn without initializing

Bernat Romagosa
Hi list,

Is there a way to fileIn a .st file without having the classes to be automatically initialized?


Bernat Romagosa
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Re: fileIn without initializing

Igor Stasenko
On 1 April 2011 16:47, AxiNat <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi list,
> Is there a way to fileIn a .st file without having the classes to be
> automatically initialized?

Yes. You can open the subject file using file browser tool,
and instead of using 'install' or 'file in' command,
press 'changes' button and select only stuff you wanna load.

Another way is to load .st file into workspace and remove all class
then save it and file in :)

> Thanks!
> Bernat Romagosa

Best regards,
Igor Stasenko AKA sig.

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Re: fileIn without initializing

Bernat Romagosa
Hi Igor and list,

Thanks, that would work if I were to do it manually, but I'd need to do that automatically for .st files provided by others, so I'm thinking of something of the sort:

Subclass PositionableStream and overrideĀ fileInAnnouncing:, so that it scans for chunks that contain exactly two words the second one of which is 'initialize'.

I'm pretty positive this could work, but it sure is a terribly ugly hack... can you think of some alternative?


Bernat Romagosa.