focus setting

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focus setting

in Pharo 1.2 i could tab through the submorphs using tab and shift-tab.
in Pharo 1.3 shift-tab seems not to work anymore. what can i use to move
backwards through the morphs to set the focus?

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Re: focus setting

S Krish
bug in your copy of the image.. possibly.. 

shift-tab seems to work fine for me over most variants I have worked.. just hacked to also include tab windows through ctrl+tab.. which is actually missing.. capability.. when you want to cycle through windows within pharo

Morph>>tabKey: event 
"Check for tab key activity and change focus as appropriate."
event controlKeyPressed
ifFalse: [event keyCharacter = Character tab
ifTrue: [event commandKeyPressed
ifTrue: [World tabOpenWindows: event].
event shiftPressed
ifTrue: [self navigateFocusBackward]
ifFalse: [self navigateFocusForward].
^ true]].
^ false
keyStroke: anEvent 
anEvent keyCharacter == Character tab
ifTrue: [self tabAmongFields
ifTrue: [ 
anEvent  commandKeyPressed
ifTrue: [^ self tabOpenWindows: anEvent].

tabOpenWindows: aKeyboardEvent 
| currentFocus index |
currentFocus := aKeyboardEvent hand keyboardFocus.
SystemWindow noteTopWindowIn: self.
SystemWindow topWindow sendToBack. " could actually raise the next window to top rather"

On Tue, Jan 31, 2012 at 6:53 PM, Werner Kassens <[hidden email]> wrote:
in Pharo 1.2 i could tab through the submorphs using tab and shift-tab. in Pharo 1.3 shift-tab seems not to work anymore. what can i use to move backwards through the morphs to set the focus?

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Re: focus setting

> bug in your copy of the image.. possibly..

i just downloaded another Pharo 1.3, used one of the examples in the
unchanged image and got the same result.
i then made a descendant of StandardWindow with
handlesKeyboard: evt
keyStroke: anEvent
anEvent wasHandled: true.
self inform: anEvent  asString  .
while this reacts eg on tab or shift-up, it does not react on shift-tab,
somehow strange. and it shoudnt be the OS, since Pharo 1.2 gets the

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Re: focus setting

i noticed that although i dont get a keystroke event for shift-tab, i do
get keyUp and keyDown events. obviously they all come from the vm and
the new vm in Pharo 1.3 probably cant keep up with my very old linux
version. otoh i cant open the 1.3 image with the vm from Pharo 1.2 (This
interpreter (vers. 6502) cannot read image file (vers. 6505) ). i guess,
one day or another i have to update to a newer linux version. for the
moment i just changed the shift-tab keyDown event to a keystroke event,
since i need the keystroke event but not the keyDown one. or is there an
older vm more similar to the one in Pharo 1.2, that can open the 1.3 image?