for 1.1 problem with changes

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for 1.1 problem with changes

Stéphane Ducasse
Hi guys

in 11377 the method FormCanvas>>transformBy: aDisplayTransform clippingTo: aClipRect during: aBlock smoothing: cellSize
got its source code destroyed. So I reverted and now the latest stream is 11376.

Now if you build from 11367 up to 11376 FormCanvas>>transformBy: is ok.

What I noticed is that in the images I built incrementally during the integration of fixes 11376 was already corrupted (contrary to the one you can get when you take 11367 and upgrade). No idea why.

I integrate Morphic-FernandoOlivero.589 and it seems to work.
May be there is bug elsewhere.

What I do not really understand is that before publishing the process make sure that we load in a separate image
the package locally, then once published on the server I always load them before sending an announcement.


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