functions keys

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functions keys


After exploring the image I believe functions keys (F1,F2, etc ) are not handling by  KeyboardEvent class.
I think it is very common use that function keys in business applications. Someone know if i am true about this topic? .
Or maybe someone handling functions keys in an application?


Ing. Pablo Digonzelli
Software Solutions
IP-Solutiones SRL
Metrotec SRL
25 de Mayo 521
Email: [hidden email]
[hidden email]
Cel: 5493815982714

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Re: [Pharo-dev] functions keys

Guillermo Polito
To handle function keys you should handle the keyup or keydown event. Then, the KeyboardEvent has a #key method to get the pressed key.

Take a look at the Key class side methods to access well known keys.


On Tue, Jul 1, 2014 at 12:06 AM, Pablo R. Digonzelli <[hidden email]> wrote:

After exploring the image I believe functions keys (F1,F2, etc ) are not handling by  KeyboardEvent class.
I think it is very common use that function keys in business applications. Someone know if i am true about this topic? .
Or maybe someone handling functions keys in an application?


Ing. Pablo Digonzelli
Software Solutions
IP-Solutiones SRL
Metrotec SRL
25 de Mayo 521
Email: [hidden email]
[hidden email]
Cel: 5493815982714

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Re: functions keys

Nicolai Hess
In reply to this post by pdigonzelli1
Yes, no function keys.

2014-07-01 0:06 GMT+02:00 Pablo R. Digonzelli <[hidden email]>:

After exploring the image I believe functions keys (F1,F2, etc ) are not handling by  KeyboardEvent class.
I think it is very common use that function keys in business applications. Someone know if i am true about this topic? .
Or maybe someone handling functions keys in an application?


Ing. Pablo Digonzelli
Software Solutions
IP-Solutiones SRL
Metrotec SRL
25 de Mayo 521
Email: [hidden email]
[hidden email]
Cel: 5493815982714