future call resulting in AcoError 1004 resources lost

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future call resulting in AcoError 1004 resources lost

does anyone know, under which condition a future looses its resources?
the same call often works when stepping through with the debugger , and alos it looks like the called dll function is succesfull.

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Re: future call resulting in AcoError 1004 resources lost

Mariano Martinez Peck-2
Hi Wolfgang,

I am sorry but we don't have an answer out of our heads. I have created a support case for you (64946) so that we can continue there. 
We can then of course, write here the conclusions/solutions for the rest of the forum.

Best regards,

Mariano Martinez Peck
Software Engineer, Instantiations Inc.

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Re: future call resulting in AcoError 1004 resources lost

In reply to this post by wobotzen

I guess this is likely unrelated, but the only moment I see this happen is when our (Linux) servers go down (like in a cronned shutdown -r now). This draws resources (in our case the local database client) away from under the feet of our image/vm and results in an AcoError 1004.

Afaik, you are on Windows, so it is probably best to see whether "something suspicious" can be found in your event logs, maybe some service is being torn down or restarted for whatever reason... I guess you already checked if you've got a concurrency problem where some green thread frees some resource while another one is using it. For such cases, logging is probably the best and only option you have to at least understand IF that is the case. Finding out WHY it happens is probably much harder. I know you guys are much more literate with such issues than I am, so this maybe the two most naive things you did long before posting to this form ;-)


Am Dienstag, 2. Juli 2019 08:49:46 UTC+2 schrieb wobotzen:
does anyone know, under which condition a future looses its resources?
the same call often works when stepping through with the debugger , and alos it looks like the called dll function is succesfull.

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