Hi peter
> is there some filter that will reject RB changes that actually do not do
> anything? I.e. applying them would have no effect (same method code,
> class, inst var exists, ...).
I do not know.
Do you have an example of when such changes are created?
> For methods I can do
> reject: [ :each | each oldVersionTextToDisplay = each textToDisplay ]
> for adding classes I had to add custom #oldVersionTextToDisplay
> ```
> RBAddClassChange>>oldVersionTextToDisplay
> | class |
> class := Smalltalk globals at: self changeClassName ifAbsent: [ ^ '' ].
> ^ '<1s> subclass: #<2s><n><t>instanceVariableNames:
> <3p><n><t>classVariableNames: <4p><n><t>poolDictionaries:
> ''''<n><t>category: ''<5s>'''
> expandMacrosWithArguments:
> {class superclass name.
> class name.
> class instanceVariables joinUsing: ' '.
> class classVariables joinUsing: ' '.
> class package name}
> ```
> which is obviously ugly.
> Also RBAddClassChange doesn't understand any format where #package is
> used instead of #category, or slots are used.
> (As defined in RBAddClassChange class>>definitionPatterns , which is
> really weird).
We should change this.
> Peter
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