getting started with DirectX <-> Dolphin 6

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getting started with DirectX <-> Dolphin 6

Hi all,

I'm afraid this question was already here.... but I found nothing for

Is there any help (tutorial, examples) for getting started with DirectX
under Dolphin 6 ? I know DirectX basically, but I'm completely new to
Dolphin. COM or .Net Binding Examples would be welcomed, too :-)

Thanks for any hints :-)



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Re: getting started with DirectX <-> Dolphin 6

Jeff M.
On Oct 10, 3:06 am, "hnbeck" <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Is there any help (tutorial, examples) for getting started with DirectX
> under Dolphin 6 ? I know DirectX basically, but I'm completely new to
> Dolphin. COM or .Net Binding Examples would be welcomed, too :-)

Check out my weblog:

I'm a professional console (xbox 360) game developer, and have been
creating a 2D game engine with Dolphin in my spare time. Most of the
basics are done already, just progress is a little slow given weekend
and the occassional weeknight work on it.

This was started mostly as an experiment, but I'm loving Dolphin so
much, that I'm probably going to take this all the way, and I'm
probably going to be making it available later on as well to others.

Jeff M.

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Re: getting started with DirectX <-> Dolphin 6

This is a great blog! It touches on a lot of the key areas the
"unindoctrinated" probably want to know about regarding Smalltalk. Some
version of this should be submitted to Dr. Dobbs and the like -- it's
that good!
I think it would definitely benefit the Smalltalk communitiy if some of
this content was shared with the masses in a big way (besides the blog,
I mean).

I'm eagerly awaiting the next installment! :-)


Jeff M. wrote:
> On Oct 10, 3:06 am, "hnbeck" <[hidden email]> wrote:

> Check out my weblog:
> I'm a professional console (xbox 360) game developer, and have been
> creating a 2D game engine with Dolphin in my spare time. Most of the
> basics are done already, just progress is a little slow given weekend
> and the occassional weeknight work on it.