I think we just jumped threads.
I’m still getting familiar with using this list.
Cédrick just posted this
I think in response to my exception report:
http://forum.world.st/file/t372658/Screen_Shot_2020-05-12_at_2.png> I just had a quick look. This is cool.
> I might be missing a use case where I dit a previous fork and I want to use it later in time. I think that’s nice to cover this use case. Do you sync your fork on github ? From iceberg ? Or maybe no sync is possible ?
> Cheers,
> Cedrick
Assuming that is true here is my response:
I have not done any syncing yet. I created an empty github repository and was trying to add that to Iceberg when this exception. There is virtually nothing in my github repo:
“trying to use iceberg to coordinate with GitHub repository“