glamorous toolkit & pharo

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glamorous toolkit & pharo

Tudor Girba-2

As Glamorous Toolkit gets closer to being released, we get quite a number of questions on various channels about its relationship with Pharo.

Glamorous Toolkit is built with Pharo. It is unlikely that we would have been able to produce it in any other language within the constraints we faced.

At the same time, Glamorous Toolkit is a separate project produced by feenk with a distinct goal and its own realization.

Here is a short overview of what we mean by it:

Please do let us know if you have concerns or questions.



feel and think concomitantly.

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Re: glamorous toolkit & pharo

Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas-2

Is really good to see these advantages and the new features.

My main concern has been always a long term support and the...
transportability of previous developments to future versions. There is
any roadmap or Long Term Support or will Feenk act kind of like Pharo
Pro for GT? Any place to find more information on this?



On 7/07/20 4:06 p. m., Tudor Girba wrote:

> Hi,
> As Glamorous Toolkit gets closer to being released, we get quite a number of questions on various channels about its relationship with Pharo.
> Glamorous Toolkit is built with Pharo. It is unlikely that we would have been able to produce it in any other language within the constraints we faced.
> At the same time, Glamorous Toolkit is a separate project produced by feenk with a distinct goal and its own realization.
> Here is a short overview of what we mean by it:
> Please do let us know if you have concerns or questions.
> Cheers,
> Doru
> --
> [fiːŋk]
> verb
> feel and think concomitantly.

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Re: glamorous toolkit & pharo

Tudor Girba-2

I am glad it was useful.

Our aim is to play the long term game and to sustain the evolution and support of GT. Time will tell if we succeed, but that is certainly the goal.


> On Jul 10, 2020, at 1:39 AM, Offray Vladimir Luna Cárdenas <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> Is really good to see these advantages and the new features.
> My main concern has been always a long term support and the...
> transportability of previous developments to future versions. There is
> any roadmap or Long Term Support or will Feenk act kind of like Pharo
> Pro for GT? Any place to find more information on this?
> Cheers,
> Offray
> On 7/07/20 4:06 p. m., Tudor Girba wrote:
>> Hi,
>> As Glamorous Toolkit gets closer to being released, we get quite a number of questions on various channels about its relationship with Pharo.
>> Glamorous Toolkit is built with Pharo. It is unlikely that we would have been able to produce it in any other language within the constraints we faced.
>> At the same time, Glamorous Toolkit is a separate project produced by feenk with a distinct goal and its own realization.
>> Here is a short overview of what we mean by it:
>> Please do let us know if you have concerns or questions.
>> Cheers,
>> Doru
>> --
>> [fiːŋk]
>> verb
>> feel and think concomitantly.


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