gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

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gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Peter Uhnak

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.


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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Peter Uhnak
Also the problem with visitor here is that I would need X number of visitors for each method (GtInspectorVisitor, DisplayBlockVisitor, ...) not to mention that I would need to have the implementation split among multiple packages, so it is effectively NxM visitors.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.


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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Tudor Girba-2
Hi Peter,

I am not sure I understand.

Is the worry caused by the fact that when there are multiple gtInspector* methods then the API would get polluted?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
Also the problem with visitor here is that I would need X number of visitors for each method (GtInspectorVisitor, DisplayBlockVisitor, ...) not to mention that I would need to have the implementation split among multiple packages, so it is effectively NxM visitors.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.



"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Peter Uhnak
The worry is caused by the fact that I do not want to pollute the protocol; this is not just about GTInspector, but also about other classes such as the TreeModel.

So, imagine following hierarchy; there are some "base" classes and then unlimited number of packages, each with their own hierarchy.

Now I could either have long switch (if/else/isKindOf:/isMemberOf:) in TreeModel to specify icon, label, children and so forth for each of those elements which is a) mess, and b) doesn't actually work because not all packages might be loaded (this is what I have now, and instead of classes I use symbols... and it's steaming mess).
Alternatively I could somehow use visitor, which would mean that I would have visitor for each behavior: ChildrenVisitor, IconVisitor, ...; and then there would be a method for each object. IconVisitor>>bormStateVisitor: ...
There is already visible name conflict (the visitor would have to add the package name to the method which would mean special methods also on the object's side) plus the methods themselves are related to the packages, so basically I would have to have "FsmIconVisitor", "BormIconVisitor", etc. Which is NxM visitors (number of behaviors x number of packages)... and that's a lot of code. At this moment this seems like the "best" way, but to me it feels like a very bad way to do this.

Not sure if I made it any clearer though. :)


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I am not sure I understand.

Is the worry caused by the fact that when there are multiple gtInspector* methods then the API would get polluted?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
Also the problem with visitor here is that I would need X number of visitors for each method (GtInspectorVisitor, DisplayBlockVisitor, ...) not to mention that I would need to have the implementation split among multiple packages, so it is effectively NxM visitors.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.



"Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Peter Uhnak
And of couirse FsmIconVisitor is not enough, because TreeModel (menu) might need different icons than someone else....

So, perhaps the question boils down to:

"How to add meta-description to object from another package without affecting the object's protocol or code?"


For example Roassal's RTElement exposes a dictionary to which I can add random stuff, however from my experience that gets messy fast (since I end up just manipulating symbols in structural/procedural code).


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:37 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
The worry is caused by the fact that I do not want to pollute the protocol; this is not just about GTInspector, but also about other classes such as the TreeModel.

So, imagine following hierarchy; there are some "base" classes and then unlimited number of packages, each with their own hierarchy.

Now I could either have long switch (if/else/isKindOf:/isMemberOf:) in TreeModel to specify icon, label, children and so forth for each of those elements which is a) mess, and b) doesn't actually work because not all packages might be loaded (this is what I have now, and instead of classes I use symbols... and it's steaming mess).
Alternatively I could somehow use visitor, which would mean that I would have visitor for each behavior: ChildrenVisitor, IconVisitor, ...; and then there would be a method for each object. IconVisitor>>bormStateVisitor: ...
There is already visible name conflict (the visitor would have to add the package name to the method which would mean special methods also on the object's side) plus the methods themselves are related to the packages, so basically I would have to have "FsmIconVisitor", "BormIconVisitor", etc. Which is NxM visitors (number of behaviors x number of packages)... and that's a lot of code. At this moment this seems like the "best" way, but to me it feels like a very bad way to do this.

Not sure if I made it any clearer though. :)


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I am not sure I understand.

Is the worry caused by the fact that when there are multiple gtInspector* methods then the API would get polluted?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
Also the problem with visitor here is that I would need X number of visitors for each method (GtInspectorVisitor, DisplayBlockVisitor, ...) not to mention that I would need to have the implementation split among multiple packages, so it is effectively NxM visitors.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.



"Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Nicolai Hess
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

2015-06-18 7:23 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]>:

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

Do you mean another kind of inspector, not GT-Inspector, but something that uses the same pattern (methods with pragmas) to implement/realize different panes?

I don't fully understand the TreeModel example, what would your tool do with all the men/displayBlock/childrenBlock ... - methods?


However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.


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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
I think what Peter means is: the object oriented way to handle different types is by dispatching on each type (~ double dispatch, ~ visiting). You could need this for different aspects of your application. In the end, the same core mechanism will be implemented multiple times. Sadly, minor semantics/structural differences will make it hard to abstract this out.

> On 18 Jun 2015, at 09:15, Nicolai Hess <[hidden email]> wrote:
> 2015-06-18 7:23 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]>:
> Hi,
> I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.
> The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).
> Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.
> Do you mean another kind of inspector, not GT-Inspector, but something that uses the same pattern (methods with pragmas) to implement/realize different panes?
> I don't fully understand the TreeModel example, what would your tool do with all the men/displayBlock/childrenBlock ... - methods?
> However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?
> The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.
> Thanks,
> Peter

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Peter Uhnak

> I don't fully understand the TreeModel example, what would your tool do with all the men/displayBlock/childrenBlock ... - methods?

Ah, I should've explained what TreeModel is; it is a Spec UI widget to display tree-like structures:

So the way this works is that I give the TreeModel some root object (DCFsm) and then blocks that describes some behavior.
So in childrenBlock: [ :parent | ... ] the block is expected to return child elements for the parent.
In displayBlock: you pass a block that returns the label that you will see.. e.g. [ :anObject | anObject name , ' (' , anObject class name , ')' ]
iconBlock: returns the icon for the object and so on and so forth.

So the way I have implemented it right now is something like

childrenFor: anObject
| col name |
name := anObject class asString asSymbol.
col := OrderedCollection new.
name = #DMMindMap
ifTrue: [ ^ col ].
(anObject isKindOf: DCDiagram)
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject elements ].
(anObject isKindOf: DCNamedElement)
ifTrue: [ 
name = #BormParticipant
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject nodes ].
name = #BormActivity | (name = #BormState)
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject outgoing ].
name = #BormActivity
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject sent ].
name = #BormCommunication
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject dataFlows ].
name = #BormCommunication
ifTrue: [ 
anObject hasConstraint
ifTrue: [ col add: anObject constraint ] ].
name = #BormTransition
ifTrue: [ 
anObject hasConstraint
ifTrue: [ col add: anObject constraint ] ] ].
^ col

Which is unreadable, unmaintainable and nonextensible. All the #Borm* symbols actually refer to classes of a completely independent package and repository which doesn't even need to be loaded in the system.

I think what Peter means is: the object oriented way to handle different types is by dispatching on each type (~ double dispatch, ~ visiting). You could need this for different aspects of your application. In the end, the same core mechanism will be implemented multiple times. Sadly, minor semantics/structural differences will make it hard to abstract this out.

Yes, double-dispatch seems like the apt solution, however it would lead to NxM number of classes (as mentioned before). But the more I think about it the more I feel that I will not get any better than that. 

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Peter Uhnak
And gmail didn't add the image correctly it seems...

On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 10:10 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

> I don't fully understand the TreeModel example, what would your tool do with all the men/displayBlock/childrenBlock ... - methods?

Ah, I should've explained what TreeModel is; it is a Spec UI widget to display tree-like structures:

So the way this works is that I give the TreeModel some root object (DCFsm) and then blocks that describes some behavior.
So in childrenBlock: [ :parent | ... ] the block is expected to return child elements for the parent.
In displayBlock: you pass a block that returns the label that you will see.. e.g. [ :anObject | anObject name , ' (' , anObject class name , ')' ]
iconBlock: returns the icon for the object and so on and so forth.

So the way I have implemented it right now is something like

childrenFor: anObject
| col name |
name := anObject class asString asSymbol.
col := OrderedCollection new.
name = #DMMindMap
ifTrue: [ ^ col ].
(anObject isKindOf: DCDiagram)
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject elements ].
(anObject isKindOf: DCNamedElement)
ifTrue: [ 
name = #BormParticipant
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject nodes ].
name = #BormActivity | (name = #BormState)
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject outgoing ].
name = #BormActivity
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject sent ].
name = #BormCommunication
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject dataFlows ].
name = #BormCommunication
ifTrue: [ 
anObject hasConstraint
ifTrue: [ col add: anObject constraint ] ].
name = #BormTransition
ifTrue: [ 
anObject hasConstraint
ifTrue: [ col add: anObject constraint ] ] ].
^ col

Which is unreadable, unmaintainable and nonextensible. All the #Borm* symbols actually refer to classes of a completely independent package and repository which doesn't even need to be loaded in the system.

I think what Peter means is: the object oriented way to handle different types is by dispatching on each type (~ double dispatch, ~ visiting). You could need this for different aspects of your application. In the end, the same core mechanism will be implemented multiple times. Sadly, minor semantics/structural differences will make it hard to abstract this out.

Yes, double-dispatch seems like the apt solution, however it would lead to NxM number of classes (as mentioned before). But the more I think about it the more I feel that I will not get any better than that. 


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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Nicolai Hess
In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak

2015-06-18 8:37 GMT+02:00 Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]>:
The worry is caused by the fact that I do not want to pollute the protocol; this is not just about GTInspector, but also about other classes such as the TreeModel.

So, imagine following hierarchy; there are some "base" classes and then unlimited number of packages, each with their own hierarchy.

Now I could either have long switch (if/else/isKindOf:/isMemberOf:) in TreeModel to specify icon, label, children and so forth for each of those elements which is a) mess, and b) doesn't actually work because not all packages might be loaded (this is what I have now, and instead of classes I use symbols... and it's steaming mess).
Alternatively I could somehow use visitor, which would mean that I would have visitor for each behavior: ChildrenVisitor, IconVisitor, ...; and then there would be a method for each object. IconVisitor>>bormStateVisitor: ...
There is already visible name conflict (the visitor would have to add the package name to the method which would mean special methods also on the object's side) plus the methods themselves are related to the packages, so basically I would have to have "FsmIconVisitor", "BormIconVisitor", etc. Which is NxM visitors (number of behaviors x number of packages)... and that's a lot of code. At this moment this seems like the "best" way, but to me it feels like a very bad way to do this.

Not sure if I made it any clearer though. :)

much clearer now, thank you.
(First I thought you want a tool to inspect things like "instances of TreeModels")


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 8:12 AM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:
Hi Peter,

I am not sure I understand.

Is the worry caused by the fact that when there are multiple gtInspector* methods then the API would get polluted?


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:35 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
Also the problem with visitor here is that I would need X number of visitors for each method (GtInspectorVisitor, DisplayBlockVisitor, ...) not to mention that I would need to have the implementation split among multiple packages, so it is effectively NxM visitors.


On Thu, Jun 18, 2015 at 7:23 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

I would like to describe some additional behavior for objects when they are interacting with another objects.

The prime example is GTInspector; by default to add presentation you implement a method with "gtInspectorPresentationOrder:". This is fine if there is just one method like this, but when the object can serve multiple purposes it can quite mess up the protocol (in my opinion).

Example of that could be (Spec) TreeModel; there are many methods like menu:, displayBlock:, childrenBlock: etc. that should be different based on the particular object.

However having a method for each of those cases in the observed method is just a mess. So how could one approach this?

The first thing that comes to my mind is a visitor. That might possibly work for code that I've written, but not for spotter/inspector as they work directly on the target object.



"Every thing has its own flow"

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
Why not try to use TreeNodeModel to define different kind of nodes? On each node you can redefine the way to get children, the icon, etc.
Then you give these nodes as the tree roots.

Le 18 juin 2015 à 10:10, Peter Uhnák a écrit :

> I don't fully understand the TreeModel example, what would your tool do with all the men/displayBlock/childrenBlock ... - methods?

Ah, I should've explained what TreeModel is; it is a Spec UI widget to display tree-like structures:

So the way this works is that I give the TreeModel some root object (DCFsm) and then blocks that describes some behavior.
So in childrenBlock: [ :parent | ... ] the block is expected to return child elements for the parent.
In displayBlock: you pass a block that returns the label that you will see.. e.g. [ :anObject | anObject name , ' (' , anObject class name , ')' ]
iconBlock: returns the icon for the object and so on and so forth.

So the way I have implemented it right now is something like

childrenFor: anObject
| col name |
name := anObject class asString asSymbol.
col := OrderedCollection new.
name = #DMMindMap
ifTrue: [ ^ col ].
(anObject isKindOf: DCDiagram)
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject elements ].
(anObject isKindOf: DCNamedElement)
ifTrue: [ 
name = #BormParticipant
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject nodes ].
name = #BormActivity | (name = #BormState)
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject outgoing ].
name = #BormActivity
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject sent ].
name = #BormCommunication
ifTrue: [ col addAll: anObject dataFlows ].
name = #BormCommunication
ifTrue: [ 
anObject hasConstraint
ifTrue: [ col add: anObject constraint ] ].
name = #BormTransition
ifTrue: [ 
anObject hasConstraint
ifTrue: [ col add: anObject constraint ] ] ].
^ col

Which is unreadable, unmaintainable and nonextensible. All the #Borm* symbols actually refer to classes of a completely independent package and repository which doesn't even need to be loaded in the system.

I think what Peter means is: the object oriented way to handle different types is by dispatching on each type (~ double dispatch, ~ visiting). You could need this for different aspects of your application. In the end, the same core mechanism will be implemented multiple times. Sadly, minor semantics/structural differences will make it hard to abstract this out.

Yes, double-dispatch seems like the apt solution, however it would lead to NxM number of classes (as mentioned before). But the more I think about it the more I feel that I will not get any better than that. 


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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Stephan Eggermont-3
In reply to this post by Sven Van Caekenberghe-2
childrenFor: anObject
| col name |
        ^ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance childrenFor: anObject

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
        ^mapping at: anObject

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>register: aOneParameterBlock at: aClass
        mappaing at: aClass put: aOneParameterBlock

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
        ^(mapping at: anObject class) with: anObject

DMMindMap class>>registerChildren
        ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance
        register: [:parent|  ^OrderedCollection new] at: self

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Stephan Eggermont-3
Wake up before posting

childrenFor: anObject
| col name |
     ^ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance childrenFor: anObject

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
     ^mapping at: anObject

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>register: aOneParameterBlock at: aClass
     mapping at: aClass put: aOneParameterBlock

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
     ^(mapping at: anObject class) value: anObject

DMMindMap class>>registerChildren
     ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance
     register: [:parent|  ^OrderedCollection new] at: self

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Damien Cassou-2

Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> writes:

> ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
>      ^mapping at: anObject
> ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
>      ^(mapping at: anObject class) value: anObject

the same method with 2 different behaviors.

Damien Cassou

"Success is the ability to go from one failure to another without
losing enthusiasm." --Winston Churchill

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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

Stephan Eggermont-3
On 18-06-15 13:35, Damien Cassou wrote:

> Stephan Eggermont <[hidden email]> writes:
>> ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
>>       ^mapping at: anObject
>> ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
>>       ^(mapping at: anObject class) value: anObject
> the same method with 2 different behaviors.

Hmm, still not awake yet? Note to self: do not program in a text editor.

childrenFor: anObject
| col name |
     ^ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance childrenFor: anObject

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>register: aOneParameterBlock at: aClass
     mapping at: aClass put: aOneParameterBlock

ApplicationTreeModelAdapter>>childrenFor: anObject
     ^(mapping at: anObject class) value: anObject

DMMindMap class>>registerChildren
     ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance
     register: [:parent |  ^OrderedCollection new] at: self

DCDiagram class>>registerChildren
     ApplicationTreeModelAdapter sharedInstance
     register: [:parent | OrderedCollection withAll: parent nodes]

and you could of course remove the ApplicationTreeModelAdapter
sharedInstance register: part and use a pragma


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Re: gtInspectorPresentation:, TreeModel, pragmas, visitors and polluting protocols

In reply to this post by Peter Uhnak
This is true, however it has to be used properly.

Alexandre Bergel

On Jun 18, 2015, at 4:13 AM, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:

For example Roassal's RTElement exposes a dictionary to which I can add random stuff, however from my experience that gets messy fast (since I end up just manipulating symbols in structural/procedural code).