how can I accept files dragged from explorer window?

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how can I accept files dragged from explorer window?

Jochen Riekhof

I already studied the Ted Bracht DragNDrop example which works fine, but
only for files dragged within the same application. What I need is to be
able to accept files and folders dragged from an explorer window or the
desktop. Is this possible somehow?



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Re: how can I accept files dragged from explorer window?

Louis Sumberg-2

> What I need is to be
> able to accept files and folders dragged from an explorer window or the
> desktop. Is this possible somehow?

What good timing!  Take a look at

In particular, class ShellDragDropSample shows that this is doable.  If you
run the sample app you'll see that you can drop multiple files and folders
from Explorer and links from the Desktop onto a Smalltalk application.

-- Louis

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Re: how can I accept files dragged from explorer window?

Jochen Riekhof
> What good timing!  Take a look at

Indeed! Thanks a lot, it is exactly what I need!

