how do i use "hasCheckBoxes" in multi list view

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how do i use "hasCheckBoxes" in multi list view

Theo Pronk

I'm trying to present a list of all Items that can be checked. Any that
are check will be considered as belonging to a specific Object (eg
customer) and added to their Item list.

But I'm having problems working out how to use the multi column list
features for this. I've changed the "hasCheckBoxes" to true, however no
check boxes show when I open the view (the text does).

Anyone have any examples or hints?


( [hidden email] )

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Re: how do i use "hasCheckBoxes" in multi list view

Steve Alan Waring
Theo wrote:

> Hi,
> I'm trying to present a list of all Items that can be checked. Any
> that are check will be considered as belonging to a specific Object
> (eg customer) and added to their Item list.
> But I'm having problems working out how to use the multi column list
> features for this. I've changed the "hasCheckBoxes" to true, however
> no check boxes show when I open the view (the text does).
> Anyone have any examples or hints?

Hi Theo,

I have a sample that implements checkboxes for ListViews. It subclasses
ListView and adds a getCheckBlock to get the state of the checkbox for each
item in the listModel.

It is heavily based on Chris Uppal's ListTreeView, and requires his CU
ListTree package as a prerequiste, as it uses a number of the loose methods
that Chris added. You can download this from:

My package can be downloaded from:

Install the "SW Check ListView Sample.pac" for the example.


Steve Waring
Email: [hidden email]