Especially on Mac OS X I am looking how to set the (default) fonts
for widgets.
I want it to be Lucida Grande of course when my system wakes up on
Mac OS X (but not on other platforms), but also *not* to be bold
(for buttons, group boxes etc.). For the first wish I modified the
method (changes in bold):
| characterAttributes textAttributes |
characterAttributes := PlatformCharacterAttributes
characterAttributes setPlatformId: #MacOSX.
characterAttributes setPlatformQuery: (FontDescription new
family: 'Lucida_Grande';
italic: false) .
characterAttributes setPortableQuery: (FontDescription new
family: #('lucida*' 'helv*' '*sans*' '*');
serif: false;
italic: false).
textAttributes := VariableSizeTextAttributes new.
textAttributes setCharacterAttributes: characterAttributes.
textAttributes fontAttributeForLeading: #normal.
That created a huge improvement. Is this a good way to do this? What
problems could it introduce that prevented this to be the default
setting in the LookPolicy? Are there more things I should do?
And still: how to switch off the bold fonts?
Thanks for any pointers.
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