how to construct OLE interface classes OR html parsing

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how to construct OLE interface classes OR html parsing

John Whittaker
Hello Dolphin experts.

I'm still a Dolphin (and Smalltalk) neophyte, but I'm getting up to speed.
I really think Dolphin is a wonderful development environment.   I have
created a simple class to obtain some financial information with Dolphin.
It uses WinInet to dial out and then connect to a URL and grab a string a
HTML data containing the financial information I want.  Of course, I then
need to extract the data from the HTML.  Is there a built-in, or previously
developed HTML parser class which works for Dolphin?

I am presently trying to figure out how to use the Explorer object model to
do the job.  I think you can use it for html parsing.  What I am lost on
presently is how to build a Dolphin interface to a COM server like Explorer.
I see the classes such as AXTypeLibraryAnalyzer, but I'm not sure if that is
what I need to use.   Any helpful pointers to some background on this?

Finally,  is there a regular expression class which is commonly used amongst
Smalltalk implementations?   It would be fairly simple to extract the
information "by hand" if I had a regular expression class (I've done similar
things in the past with Python and Dylan).  Regular expressions are so handy
and (I would think) ubiquitous that I am a little surprised that there isn't
a class built in to Dolphin.


John Whittaker

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Re: how to construct OLE interface classes OR html parsing

Steve Waring-2
> I am presently trying to figure out how to use the Explorer object model
> do the job.  I think you can use it for html parsing.  What I am lost on

Hi John,

I have a package that does this, if you are interested I will email it
through to you. It is a bit scratchy as I developed it in V3 using the beta
ActiveXControl package, and I have not done much work on integrating it into
V4. However it does work in V4, and may give you some ideas.

(swaring at ozemail dot com dot au)

----- Original Message -----
From: "John Whittaker" <[hidden email]>
Newsgroups: comp.lang.smalltalk.dolphin
Sent: Thursday, January 04, 2001 7:17 AM
Subject: how to construct OLE interface classes OR html parsing

> Hello Dolphin experts.
> I'm still a Dolphin (and Smalltalk) neophyte, but I'm getting up to speed.
> I really think Dolphin is a wonderful development environment.   I have
> created a simple class to obtain some financial information with Dolphin.
> It uses WinInet to dial out and then connect to a URL and grab a string a
> HTML data containing the financial information I want.  Of course, I then
> need to extract the data from the HTML.  Is there a built-in, or
> developed HTML parser class which works for Dolphin?
> I am presently trying to figure out how to use the Explorer object model
> do the job.  I think you can use it for html parsing.  What I am lost on
> presently is how to build a Dolphin interface to a COM server like
> I see the classes such as AXTypeLibraryAnalyzer, but I'm not sure if that
> what I need to use.   Any helpful pointers to some background on this?
> Finally,  is there a regular expression class which is commonly used
> Smalltalk implementations?   It would be fairly simple to extract the
> information "by hand" if I had a regular expression class (I've done
> things in the past with Python and Dylan).  Regular expressions are so
> and (I would think) ubiquitous that I am a little surprised that there
> a class built in to Dolphin.
> TIA,
> John Whittaker