how to find #todo

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how to find #todo

Jochen Riekhof
In the Dolphin4 tutorials I found the nice trick with the #todo as a marker.
Unfortunately I can't manage to find the #todos in only my selected package
or class. I always find ALL #todos in the image, and there are a lot.



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Re: how to find #todo

Christopher J. Demers
Jochen Riekhof <[hidden email]> wrote in message
news:ahrv2c$s3r$07$[hidden email]...
> In the Dolphin4 tutorials I found the nice trick with the #todo as a
> Unfortunately I can't manage to find the #todos in only my selected
> or class. I always find ALL #todos in the image, and there are a lot.

I have some suggestions.  First you could sort by package or class, then all
the #todo methods for your package would be together, this is even better if
you prefix your package names.  For example all my personal packages start
with a CJD prefix, that way they all end up sorted together.  The next idea
would be for you to use a prefix on the #todo in your methods, ex: #jrtodo
for your own marking.  Then you will only find your methods.  The symbol one
uses can be any valid Smalltalk symbol, there is nothing special about
#todo.  The last idea would be for you to make your own tool to further
filter symbol searches, it probably could be added to the existing tool with
out much trouble.


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Re: how to find #todo

John Aspinall-4
In reply to this post by Jochen Riekhof

> In the Dolphin4 tutorials I found the nice trick with the #todo as a
> marker. Unfortunately I can't manage to find the #todos in only my
> selected package or class. I always find ALL #todos in the image,
> and there are a lot.

To find #todos only in your selected class, locate a method in that class
that has a #todo (or create one), then from the Method menu:

Browse>Local References To>todo

As Christopher suggests, to locate #todos within a particular package, you
can sort by package name in the Method Browser (click on the 'Package'
column header).


John Aspinall
Solutions Software

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Re: how to find #todo

Jochen Riekhof
In reply to this post by Jochen Riekhof
All tips work great! Thanks!

