how to reinitialize the jvm in jniport?

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how to reinitialize the jvm in jniport?

Tudor Girba-2

I am trying to shutdown a Jvm instance but when I try to use a new instance, I get a "JNIError: unknown error".

Here is what I do on OS X using Pharo 3.0:

Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'JNIPort' project: 'JNIPort';
loadVersion: '3.0-baseline'.

JNIPortJNIInterface libraryFile: '/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Libraries/libclient.dylib'.
jvm := JVM newWithDefaultSettings.
jvm findClass: 'java.lang.String'.
"==> public final java.lang.String
Instance class: JavaLangString
Static class: StaticJavaLangObject"

jvm shutdown. "with or without this line, the below error is the same"

anotherJvm := JVM newWithDefaultSettings.

==> "JNIError: unknown error"

What am I doing wrong?



"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: how to reinitialize the jvm in jniport?

Tudor Girba-2
Hi Joachim,

How can I drop or reinitialize the JVM reliably? The code from the previous message does not seem to work.


On Fri, Aug 7, 2015 at 12:39 PM, Tudor Girba <[hidden email]> wrote:

I am trying to shutdown a Jvm instance but when I try to use a new instance, I get a "JNIError: unknown error".

Here is what I do on OS X using Pharo 3.0:

Gofer new
smalltalkhubUser: 'JNIPort' project: 'JNIPort';
loadVersion: '3.0-baseline'.

JNIPortJNIInterface libraryFile: '/System/Library/Java/JavaVirtualMachines/1.6.0.jdk/Contents/Libraries/libclient.dylib'.
jvm := JVM newWithDefaultSettings.
jvm findClass: 'java.lang.String'.
"==> public final java.lang.String
Instance class: JavaLangString
Static class: StaticJavaLangObject"

jvm shutdown. "with or without this line, the below error is the same"

anotherJvm := JVM newWithDefaultSettings.

==> "JNIError: unknown error"

What am I doing wrong?



"Every thing has its own flow"


"Every thing has its own flow"
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Re: how to reinitialize the jvm in jniport?

Joachim Geidel
Hi Tudor,

It is not possible to start a Java VM again in the same operating system process after shutting it down. You have to restart Pharo to do this. This is a restriction of the Java VM itself, not a restriction of JNIPort. The JVM specification also says that it should be possible to start more than one Java VM in the same operating system process, but Sun/Oracle has never implemented this feature.


Tudor Girba-2 wrote
Hi Joachim,

How can I drop or reinitialize the JVM reliably? The code from the previous
message does not seem to work.
