how to use extract method refactoring

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how to use extract method refactoring

Jochen Riekhof
Refactorings are way cool in DolphinXP, but I can't get extractMethod to
work. I select a piece of code and select "Refactorings/Extract Method" in
the context menu. A little dialog pops up with the required parameters and a
method selector to enter. The OK button is dimmed. Now, I enter a selector,
but the ok button does not become enabled?!
What can I do?



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Re: how to use extract method refactoring

John Brant
"Jochen Riekhof" <[hidden email]> wrote in message
> Refactorings are way cool in DolphinXP, but I can't get extractMethod to
> work. I select a piece of code and select "Refactorings/Extract Method" in
> the context menu. A little dialog pops up with the required parameters and
> method selector to enter. The OK button is dimmed. Now, I enter a
> but the ok button does not become enabled?!
> What can I do?

Most likely your problem is that your selector doesn't have the required
number of arguments. You need to enter a selector with the same number of
arguments as is listed in the parameter list. If you enter too few or too
many, the button will be disabled.

John Brant

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Re: how to use extract method refactoring

Jochen Riekhof
> Most likely your problem is that your selector doesn't have the required
> number of arguments. You need to enter a selector with the same number of
> arguments as is listed in the parameter list. If you enter too few or too
> many, the button will be disabled.

Oh yes,, thanks a lot! Should have known it myself, but thats how it is when
you finally can enjoy Smalltalk after a long day's work in Java and C++ ;-).

