is Alchemetrics?

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| is Alchemetrics?

Steve Alan Waring
Hi, is currently bringing up the Alchemetrics

Steve Waring
[hidden email]

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Re: is Alchemetrics?

Andy Bower-3

> is currently bringing up the
> Alchemetrics website??

That's right. We don't have enough IP addresses (or alternatively,
skill) to separate out the two websites. Typically, the site is not public anyway.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support

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Re: is Alchemetrics?

Oli Bye-4
Off group topic, but since I also mentioned this to Andy a few months ago...

Andy Bower wrote:

> Steve,
>> is currently bringing up the
>>Alchemetrics website??
> That's right. We don't have enough IP addresses (or alternatively,
> skill) to separate out the two websites. Typically, the
> site is not public anyway.

When you have the time, look up how your web server handles virtual
hosts. You can have as many websites as you like all sitting on port 80
bound to the same IP address. The server uses the HTTP Host Header to
decide which one to display. In IIS (spit spit) I think you define a new
website, and edit the properties, then use the Advanced properties next
to the IP Address edit box. Then editing the port detail where you can
specify the host names you want directed to that website.

I have a nasty feeling there are two places this needs to be done, or
things don't work. Worth testing first!

> Best regards,
> Andy Bower
> Dolphin Support

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Re: is Alchemetrics?

Andy Bower-3

> When you have the time, look up how your web server handles virtual
> hosts. You can have as many websites as you like all sitting on port
> 80 bound to the same IP address. The server uses the HTTP Host Header
> to decide which one to display. In IIS (spit spit) I think you define
> a new website, and edit the properties, then use the Advanced
> properties next to the IP Address edit box. Then editing the port
> detail where you can specify the host names you want directed to that
> website.

Thanks for that. Of course, it wasn't as straightforward as it sounds
because the and sites were running
on an XP box and the IIS there doesn't seem to support more than one
website. Anyway, we've moved to IISS on our Windows
Server box and it is now sharing port 80 with Seem to
be working okay, so thanks again.

Best regards,

Andy Bower
Dolphin Support