iceberg - changing non-code files in the same commit as code

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iceberg - changing non-code files in the same commit as code

Peter Uhnak

this is maybe a bit advanced use case from Iceberg perspective, but quite basic from git perspective.

Use case:
In the same commit where code has changed I want to update text file

Right now I need to modify the file after the commit and then amend it (so it is in the same commit), but it would be nice to do everything from within Pharo.

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Re: iceberg - changing non-code files in the same commit as code

this is a bit hardcore :)

but you can do:

repo addFilesToIndex: {  ‘path/to/file/relative/to/repo’  }


> On 18 Oct 2017, at 15:27, Peter Uhnák <[hidden email]> wrote:
> Hi,
> this is maybe a bit advanced use case from Iceberg perspective, but quite basic from git perspective.
> Use case:
> In the same commit where code has changed I want to update text file
> Right now I need to modify the file after the commit and then amend it (so it is in the same commit), but it would be nice to do everything from within Pharo.
> Thanks,
> Peter